
Staff Quotes and Testimonials

"I love watching the excitement of the students as they explore their world. I can see the sparkle in their eyes as they discover a passion and set goals in the future."

-Vonnie Hale, Program Coordinator

"I really just enjoy the students' company. They are such a joy to be around!"

-Mina Manjouna, Student Mentor

"The progress I have seen the students make throughout the course of the year has been tremendous. Being part of the CTP has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done."

-Jared Slanina, Student Mentor

"Every day is a new and exciting adventure. The students make that possible"

-Cindy Kenyon, Transition Coordinator

"I enjoy seeing the excitement on students' faces when they describe their unique experiences on the Kent State campus."

-Josh Kiser, Transition Coordinator

"I think the CTP is a lot of fun. It is exciting to watch [our students] depend on me less and become more independent for things like getting to class."

-Carla Haines, Student Mentor

Student Quotes and Testimonials

"When I come here I'm away from my family but I feel like I have a family here."

-Megan Rothermel

"I would be lost without the CTP. This program has given me so many opportunities to improve my work and education. I've learned how to use a lot of new equipment and I feel much more confident about working in an office now."

-Megan Rothermel.

"The CTP has been really fun. I have gained a lot of confidence and independence. I can go to class on my own and participate just like any other student."

-Matthew Bicking

"Without the CTP I would be stuck in the same routine, doing the same things at home and staying at the same job at work."

-Matthew Bicking

"I like talking to the professor that teaches my class. I've learned so much in my (music history) class and it's been really fun."

-Corey Cammel

"I like having a campus job and getting to know other students at Kent State."

-Carly Domres

"This has been a great experience. I've made new friends across the campus and I've been taught new life skills, social skills, how to be more independent, and how to plan for the future."

-Michael Redic

I've learned about the differences between high school and college courses since I attend a class here, and I've picked up new job skills since I was given a campus job."

-Michael Redic

"I've made a lot of new friends by joining the CTP. I really love spending time with everyone here!"

-Angie Low