David Kaplan
Department of Geography
I have long been interested in aspects and geographic manifestations of ethnic identity. This has led to extensive research on 1) urban segregation patterns in cities around the world, including its relationship to housing finance and economic opportunity; and 2) national identity, borderlands, and separatist movements.
In addition, I am studying the consequences of global urbanization, mortgage lending, urban planning and design, sustainable transportation issues, and the history of geography through analysis of dissertations..
I was President of the American Assocation of Geographers 2019-20. I am also the editor-in-chief of the Geographical Review and editor of National Identities.
- Geographies of Nationalism, with P. Raento. Routledge. 2022
- Introduction ot Geography, with M. Bjelland and J. Malinowski. McGraw-Hill. 2021
- Scaling Identities: Nationalism and Territory, with G. Herb. Rowman & Littlefield. 2018.
- Navigating Ethnicity: Segregation, Placemaking and Difference. Rowman & Littlefield. 2018.
- Urban Geography, with S. Holloway, third edition. John Wiley and Sons. 2014. Translated into Korean and Chinese.
- Human Geography. with J. Malinowski. McGraw-Hill. 2012.
- Cambridge World Atlas, with G. Herb and M. Monmonier. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
- Nations and Nationalism: A Global Historical Overview (4 volumes) with G. Herb. ABC-CLIO. 2008.
- Landscapes of the Ethnic Economy, with W. Li (eds). Rowman and Littlefield. 2006.
- Boundaries and Place: European Borderlands in Geographical Context, with J. Hakli (eds). Rowman and Littlefield. :2002.
- Nested Identities, with G. Herb (eds). Rowman and Littlefield. 1999.
- Segregation in Cities, with S. Holloway. AAG Resource Publication. 1998.
Recent Articles and Chapters (last 6 years):
Expressions of American White Ethnonationalism in Support for ‘Blue Lives Matter’” with J. Solomon and L. Hancock. Geopolitics, 2019
Multicultural Engagements in Lived Spaces: How Cultural Communities Intersect in Belleville, Paris" with Y. LeMoigne. City & Community, 18:1 (2019) 392-413.
What Mentoring Means to Me”. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 43:1 (2019) 116-124.
Geographic Perspectives on Urban Sustainability: Past, Current, and Future Research Trajectories” with V.K. Turner. Urban Geography, 2019.
Greenhouse Agriculture in the Icelandic Food System” with G. Butrico. European Countryside, 10:4 (2018) 711-24.
Building ‘College Town’: Economic redevelopment and the construction of community” with J. Mapes, V.K. Turner, and C. Willer. Local Economy, 32:7 (2017) 601-616.
Where are the Women? Accounting for Discrepancies in Female Doctorates in U.S. Geography with J. Mapes. The Professional Geographer, 2016
Multi-Ethnic Economic Activity Along Three Immigrant Corridors in Paris, with C. Recoquillon. The Professional Geographer, 2016
Developing a Next Generation Campus Bike Share Program: Examining Demand and Supply Factors, with Melanie Knowles. Planning for Higher Education, 2015
Placing Immigrant Identities with E. Chacko. The Journal of Cultural Geography, 2015
Immigration and the Making of Place in Paris. The Journal of Cultural Geography 2015
Transportation Sustainability on a University Campus International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2014
Ethnicity, Poverty and Place within a Parisian Neighborhood with C. Recoquillon. The Geographical Review, 2014
Panoptic Geographies: An Examination of all U.S. Geographic Dissertations” with J. Mapes. The Geographical Review, 105:1(2015) 20-40.
The Five Pillars of Trump’s White Ethnonationalist Appeal” In Political Landscapes in the Age of Donald Trump (B. Warf, ed). Routledge. Forthcoming.
Nationalism. In International Encyclopedia of Human Geography 2nd edition, 2020 (Kobayashi, ed) Volume 9, pp. 239-244. Oxford: Elsevier. .
Engaging in Fieldwork in Paris” In Human Geography and Professional Mobility (W. Kusek, and N. Wise, eds). Routledge. 2019.
Spatial Concentration and Ghettoes” In Sage Handbook of International Migration Sage. 2019.
Growing Sustainable Transportation in an Autocentric Community” In Urban and Regional Planning and Development: 20th century Forms and 21st century Transformations (Thakur, Dutt, Pomeroy and Thakur eds.). Springer. 2020
Race/Ethnicity and Stratification. In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (G. Ritzer and C. Rojek, eds). Wiley. 2019
National Identity and Scalar Processes.” In Scaling Identities, 2017 (Herb and Kaplan, eds.) Rowman & Littlefield.
1991 Ph.D. Geography. University of Wisconsin - Madison.
1986 M.S. Geography. University of Wisconsin - Madison.
1982 B.A. (Honors) Humanities. The Johns Hopkins University.
1986 M.S. Geography. University of Wisconsin - Madison.
1982 B.A. (Honors) Humanities. The Johns Hopkins University.