Mary Gallagher
Department of Sociology and Criminology
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Sociology, Kent State University, 2012
- Gallagher, Mary. Forthcoming. “Identity Characteristics as Moderators of Discrepancy on Well-Being.” Society and Mental Health.
- Gallagher, Mary, Kristen Marcussen, and Richard T. Serpe. 2022. “Multiple Identities and Sources of Reflected Appraisals in Identity Theory.” Social Psychology Quarterly 85(2):142-163.
- Gallagher, Mary. 2021. “General and Specific Sources of Reflected Appraisals.” Pp. 223-241 in Identities in Action: New Developments in Identity Theory, edited by P. S. Brenner, J. E. Stets, and R. T. Serpe. NY: Springer.
- Marcussen, Kristen, Mary Gallagher, and Christian Ritter. 2021. “Stigma Resistance and Well-Being in the Context of the Mental Illness Identity.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 62(1):19-36.
- Marcussen, Kristen, Mary Gallagher, and Christian Ritter. 2019. “Mental Illness as a Stigmatized Identity.” Society and Mental Health 9(2):211-227.
- Gallagher, Mary. 2017. “Obligatory and Voluntary Identity Discrepancies, Self-Evaluation, and Psychological Distress.” Society and Mental Health 7(2):51-68.
- Marcussen, Kristen and Mary Gallagher. 2017. “The Role of Aspirations and Obligations in Explaining the Relationship between Identity Discrepancies and Psychological Distress.” Sociological Perspectives 60(6):1019-1038.
- Gallagher, Mary. 2016. “Adolescent-Parent College Aspiration Discrepancies and Changes in Depressive Symptoms.” Sociological Perspectives 59(2):296-316.
- Gallagher, Mary. 2016. “Distinguishing Obligatory and Voluntary Identities.” Pp. 309-342 in New Directions in Identity Theory and Research, edited by J. E. Stets and R. T. Serpe. NY: Oxford University Press.
- Baughman, Kristin R., Natalie Bonfine, Sara E. Dugan, Richard Adams, Mary Gallagher, R. Scott Olds, Elizabeth Piatt, and Christian Ritter. 2016. “Disease Burden among Individuals with Severe Mental Illness in a Community Setting.” Community Mental Health
- Gallagher, Mary, David Skubby, Natalie Bonfine, Mark Munetz, and Jennifer L.S. Teller. 2011. “Recognition and Understanding of Goals and Roles: The Key Internal Features of Mental Health Court Teams.” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 34(6):406
- American Sociological Association
- North Central Sociological Association