Scott Tobias
Scott Tobias is an associate professor of Human Development and Family Studies at the Stark campus of Kent State University. His research centers on how video games impact families and post-secondary pedagogy. His prior publications focusing on pedagogy include mixed-method studies which appear in peer-reviewed journal articles and include topics such as best practices in online practicum courses (Tobias & Huff, 2016), the effects of discussions in online courses (Cho & Tobias, 2016), perspective transformation through service-learning (Tobias, 2013), and a book chapter on perspective transformation in Family Life Education Methodology Courses (Tobias, 2017). Other publications center on quantitative analysis of data sets including relationships between video game play and mathematics achievement (Tobias, Rudy, & Ispa, 2011), video game play and family environment (Tobias, Halter, & Newbauer, 2015), and predicting video game play from perceived family environment (Tobias, 2017). He has also given multiple conference presentations on these topics at the national level and is the former chair of the Certified Family Life Educator credential advisory board for the National Council on Family Relations.
M.S., Family Studies, Miami University
B.A., Psychology, Miami University
Research Methods
- 2017 Distinguished Teaching Award - Nominee, Kent State University at Stark
- 2015 Honorary Member, Phi Upsilon Omicron, Family & Consumer Sciences Honor Society
- 2011 Distinguished Teaching Award - Nominee, Kent State University at Stark
- 2009 Excellent Adjunct Instructor - Nominee, Moberly Area Community College
- 2007 Anderson Teaching Award, University of Missouri
- 2004 Graduate Professional Council Travel Scholarship, University of Missouri
- 2002 Graduate Research Award, Miami University