Translating Knowledge of Risk Perceptions to Improve Prognostic Awareness Measurement Among Terminally Ill Patients

Title: Translating Knowledge of Risk Perceptions to Improve Prognostic Awareness Measurement Among Terminally Ill Patients

PI: Dr. Jennifer Taber (College of Arts and Sciences: Psychological Sciences)

Co-PIs: Dr. Clare Stacey (College of Arts and Sciences: Sociology) and Dr. Denice Sheehan (College of Nursing)

Dr. Jennifer Taber, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences, conducts research on understanding and promoting health behaviors. Taber currently leads a team exploring whether hospice patients’ ratings of their own life expectancy depend on how questions about prognosis are worded. Ultimately, through exploring new means of assessing patients’ beliefs about and awareness of their prognosis, they hope to improve well-being and satisfaction at end-of-life.