Julie Messing
Julie Messing is the Executive Director for Entrepreneurship Initiatives at Kent State University. She developed and led the implementation of the entrepreneurship program. The program consists of two minors, a major, a living-learning community, speakers’ series, Entrepreneurship Extravaganza and an entrepreneurial lab. She works closely with the business community to bring opportunities to the classroom as well as support entrepreneurial development in Northeast Ohio. She is the recipient of the Paul L Pfeiffer Creative Teaching Award and the Non-Tenure Track Teaching Award. Both awards recognize faculty for excellence in teaching. She has taught entrepreneurship courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Ms. Messing is President of her own consulting organization, Transitions Advisory Group, Inc. and active with the Junior League, serves as a Trustee for The Akron Area YMCA, The Toni Turchi Foundation and is a founding director and Previous President of The Entrepreneurship Education Consortium (EEC). She is also a member of the United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) where she presented as a finalist for the Innovative Pedagogy Award in 2009 and the winner in 2010. She is also co-author of “Constructing an Innovation Model of Entrepreneurship Education Through Regional Collaboration”, published in Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, Spring 2009.