Kent State University Museum

Digital Green Book landing page with description and TEXTURES logo

The Kent State University Museum and the Wick Poetry Center at Kent State announce the launch of the “Digital Green Book” created in support of the exhibition “TEXTURES: the history and art of Black hair.”

Detail of Romanian ensemble from Transylvania

The Kent State University Museum has reopened to the public and is excited to announce its newest exhibition, “Stitched: Regional Dress Across Europe,” on display from February 2021 through December 2021. The exhibition features 75 pieces exclusive to the museum’s permanent collection, showcasing common features shared by regional costume across Western and Eastern Europe.

Beading on a garment representing "culture" and a Kent State University patch on jeans representing the "counterculture" are included in the Kent State University Museum's "Culture/Counterculture" exhibition.

Almost 50 years ago, the shootings of Kent State University students by the Ohio National Guard brought to a head the cultural divides that had split the nation. The Kent State University Museum’s exhibition, “Culture/Counterculture: Fashions of the 1960s and ’70s,” opening Sept. 20, explores the sharp contrast between supporters of the establishment and those opposed.