

NOTE: This system is new to the university as of April 2024. Training to use the system is required, and will be available to each department as Accounts Payable assigns.

If you have not received training and direction from Accounts Payable to utilize the e-Payables system, please contact apcustomerservice@kent.edu for assistance.

The e-Payables system is the electronic workflow through which invoices are routed for approval and submitted to Accounts Payable for processing. To access the e-Payables system, navigate to the e-Payables Invoice Workflow link, found on Flashline.


University e-Payables User Guide

Executive Approval Form

Slide Decks


Banner Finance Guides

To check the status of your exported payment, take the following steps (in order):

  1. Check Banner screens FAIVNDH and FGITRND to see what the due date and check date is listed as.
    1. NOTE: If you cannot access these screens, ask your local Banner security administrator to submit a request for you to have BAN_FIN_DEPT_USERS/C access.
  2. If you are unable to find the payment details in Banner, and the e-Payables invoice status is "Exported", email apcustomerservice@kent.edu with the vendor's Banner ID, name, invoice number, and dollar amount for assistance.