Pamela Takayoshi
Dr. Pamela Takayoshi researches the ways people use writing in academic and non-academic contexts to make meaning in their lives. She is particularly interested in research methodologies, the digital mediation of writing, composing processes, and feminist epistemologies. She is the co-editor of four edited collections in writing studies, most recently Patrick Thomas and Pamela Takayoshi. (Eds.) Literacy in Practice: Writing in Public, Private, and Working Lives. Routledge, 2016. Current research projects of how writers write in multilayered, multimodal environments include examinations of Facebook composing, teen girls’ mobile composing, and undergraduate writing students’ composing processes. Additional current work focuses on how transgender undergraduates experience language used about, by, and for them; and the literate practices and literate spaces involved in one knitter's learning. Her articles have appeared in College Composition and Communication, Computers and Composition, Research in the Teaching of English, and numerous edited collections.
Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities
- Literacy in Practice: Writing in Working, Private, and Public Lives. (Edited with Patrick Thomas). NY: Routledge, 2016
- "Methodological Challenges to Researching Composing Processes in New Literacy Context." Literacy in Composition Studies 4.1 (March 2016): 1-23
- "Short-Form Writing: Studying Process in the Context of Contemporary Composing Technologies." Computers and Composition: An International Journal for Teachers of Writing (Dec. 2015).
- "Analytic Strategies, Competent Inquiries, and Methodological Tensions in the Study of Writing." Co-authored with Christina Haas and Brandon Carr. Writing Studies Research in Practice: Methods and Methodologies. Eds. Lee Nickoson and Mary Sheridan. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2012. 51-62.
- Practicing Research in Writing Studies: Reflexive and Ethically Responsible Research. (Edited with Katrina Powell). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2012.
- “The Construction of Research Problems and Methods.” Co-authored with Elizabeth Tomlinson and Jennifer Castillo. Practicing Research in Writing Studies: Reflexive and Ethically Responsible Research. Eds. Katrina Powell and Pamela Takayoshi. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2012. 97 – 121.
- “Young People’s Everyday Literacies: The Language of Instant Messaging.” Co-authored with Christina Haas; with Brandon Carr, Kimberley Hudson, and Ross Pollock. Research in the Teaching of English 45 (2011): 378 – 404. Recipient of the 2012 Ellen Nold Award for Best Article in Computers and Composition.
- “Building and Maintaining Contexts in Interactive Networked Writing: An Examination of Deixis and Intertextuality in Instant Messaging.” Co-authored with Christina Haas and Brandon Carr. Journal of Business and Technical Communication 25.3 (2011): 276 – 298.
- "Gender Matters: Literacy, Learning, and Gaming in One American Family." Gaming Lives in the 21st Century: Literate Connections. Eds. Gail Hawisher and Cynthia L. Selfe. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. 229-249.
Research Ideas
- Writing Technologies
- Empirical Research
- Writing Instruction
M.A. Purdue University (1992)
B.A. IUPUI (1988)