
Charge: Responsible for leading the SEM Plan initiatives through implementation. The Action Teams will provide monitoring and updates on SEM initiatives within the Action Teams.

Academic Affairs

Co-chairs: Manfred Van Dulmen and Andrew Barnes

Evaluate and develop academic drivers that will enable curriculum to be aligned with market demand and student choice.

Data & Technology

Co-Chairs: Chris Dorsten & Wendy Tietz

Evaluate and develop university systems to improve integration, standardization, and data efficiencies to help orchestrate the student experience via a more personalized and seamless approach across the student lifecycle.

Enrollment, Access & Completion

Co-Chairs: Eboni Pringle & Collin Palmer

Evaluate and develop an optimal enrollment plan (recruitment and retention of undergraduate, graduate, and on-line students) that increases access and completion rates and optimizes student aid.

External Visibility & Brand Awareness

Co-Chairs: Andy Crawford & Leigh Greenfelder

Evaluate and develop brand awareness and market position that articulates the value of Kent State degree in a consistent, authentic way which promotes student success.

Fiscal Sustainability

Co-Chairs: Brenda Burke & Jeannie Reifsnyder

Evaluate and develop a tuition model and revenue streams to enhance and diversify the university's financial position and increase net tuition growth.

Student Support Services & Co-Curricular Experiences

Co-Chairs: Nicole Kotlan & Yvonna Washington-Greer

Evaluate and develop a student services culture that provides consistent support throughout the student journey to improve post enrollment metrics.