Standards for Evaluating Citizenship

A Faculty member's contributions as a University citizen include service to the Department, the Campus, the College, the University, and the discipline as outlined in Table 4.   Judgments of merits of University service should weigh the importance of the service to the mission of the unit served. 

Citizenship contributions include committee membership at departmental, college, campus, and University levels. In judging committee work, extra weighting should be given for committee chairing.  Citizenship contributions also include active participation in Department events such as faculty and graduate student recruitment, seminars, department meetings and seminars, etc. 

Other components of citizenship are also considered (including public outreach and public and professional service) in reappointment, tenure and promotion decisions and may differ in their importance among faculty members depending on each faculty member’s duties and responsibilities within the Department. 

Being an active and useful citizen of the Department, Campus, College and University is expected and valued; however, service of any magnitude cannot be considered more important than a candidate's research and other scholarly activity and instructional responsibilities.  Expectations in service for promotion to Professor are higher than for promotion to Associate Professor.


Table 4. Assessment of University Citizenship for promotion and tenure

Citizenship Assessment

Examples of Accomplishments Corresponding to the Assessment Score

Very good

Significant role in Department, Campus College, and/ or University as evidenced by productive service on committees, active participation in significant events, effectively chairing committees, specific administrative assignments, meaningful public outreach


Achieves the minimal departmental expectations, meeting Department/Campus obligations in a timely manner and actively participating in significant departmental/campus committees or events

Below Departmental Expectations

Does not meet Department/Campus obligations in a timely manner or does not actively participate in significant departmental/campus committees or events