2022-2023 Impact Measures

KSU 2023 Ohio Educator Preparation Provider Performance Report (PDF)

1. Completer effectiveness and impact on P-12 learning and development (Component R1.4).

Completer Effectiveness

Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES) Data

OTES is the primary source of data we use to evaluate program impact and to assess completer effectiveness. This research-based educator evaluation tool was developed by educators from diverse fields and is used by Ohio school districts to evaluate teacher performance.

Associated Teacher Evaluation Classifications*
Initial Licensure Effective Year# Accomplished# Skilled# Developing# Ineffective

* Data provided by Ohio Department of Education via 2023 ODHE EPPR Report (linked above).

Completer Focus Groups

Completer Focus Group Results (PDF)

Impact on P-12 Learning and Development

Value-Added Measures

Value-Added data are a subset of data related to student growth from OTES. Value-added data only cover select content areas and age bands.

2023 Value-Added Data (PDF)*†

*Value-Added Data were not collected by the state for 2020. For historical value-added data, see KSU's 2019 CAEP Annual Report.
†Beginning in the 2022 reporting year, the Ohio Department of Education has shifted the scaling on this metric to a three-color system, consisting of evidence of 'lesser than expected growth', 'expected growth', and 'greater than expected growth.' This change in scaling will affect the ability for longitudinal comparison.

2. Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement (Components R4.2; R5.3; R4.1).

Satisfaction of Employers

Employer Survey

Employer Survey Results (PDF)

Kent State University’s Research and Evaluation Bureau conducted a phone survey with area administrators about their satisfaction with the preparation of our graduates.  The survey was last conducted in the 2020-21 academic year; we plan to administer the survey every three years to avoid overburdening our partners. The results of the survey's next distribution will be available in 2025.

Stakeholder Involvement

Partner Focus Groups

Partner Focus Group Results (PDF)

See pages 6-7 for focus groups conducted in the 2021-2022 academic year.

Clinical Partner Survey

Clinical Partner Survey Results (PDF)

The Clinical Experience Advisory Committee (CEAC) survey was last conducted in 2022. We plan to re-administer this survey periodically to avoid overburdening our partners.

3. Candidate competency at program completion (Components R3.3; R3.4).

Ohio Assessments for Educators

The Ohio Assessments for Educators (OAE) program assesses the content-area and professional (pedagogical) knowledge of candidates who are seeking initial Ohio educator licensure or adding a new licensure area. The assessments are aligned with Ohio's Learning Standards. Ohio licensure candidates are required to successfully complete only ONE assessment of professional (pedagogical) knowledge for their first license. The addition of other licensure areas or endorsements will require only successful completion of the associated content-area assessment. For more information see, OAE Requirements by Licensure Area & Grade Level.

OAE Summary Pass Rates
GroupNumber taking testsNumber passing testsPass Rate (%)
All program completers, 2021-2234828582
All program completers, 2020-2135833293
All program completers, 2019-2033231996

Data via 2023 USED Title II Report

4. Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared.

Employment Data

Kent State University is currently working with a vendor to assist in identification of post-program employment in educational settings; data have been collected for four semesters’ worth of graduates, but response rates are so low they are not interpretable. We do not have enough data to provide for review at this time but anticipate being able to do so in 2025.

Completer Persistence in Employment

For information about the program, see Ohio Resident Educator Program Overview.

Program Completer Persistence in the Ohio Teacher Residency Program*
Initial Licensure Effective YearResidency Year 1Residency Year 2Residency Year 3Residency Year 4

Though the above data do not directly demonstrate the ability of our program completers to be hired, it does indicate that when hired, our graduates persist in Ohio's teacher residency program at high rates. Therefore, we understand this to be indirect evidence of this measure, as program completers are able to maintain employment in the education position(s) for which they have been prepared.

*Source: 2023 KSU ODHE EPPR