Submitted Question

Featured Question Mark

Q: Can you elaborate more on what a collaborative RC system would look like?

A: A more collaborative Regional Campus System model begins with the idea that we support one another rather than compete with one another. For each decision we make, we can start by:

  • Discussing and considering alternatives that might benefit the full system — help with recruiting, supporting, retaining and completing learners across the system;
  • Helping to reduce expense or time investment across the full system through the sharing of resources, knowledge and skill;
  • Or developing a new program that could benefit the system by being implemented in multiple locations.  

We realize that what one campus does affects all other campuses. Sometimes, these discussions will result in an approach that combines resources or processes across the RC system. Other times, it will result in something done at only one campus because the need or priority is too campus-specific to allow for a broader approach. Basically, a collaborative system triggers us to reverse our conversations from starting with the campus to starting with the system, in its entirety.

A collaborative RC system would look more like braided lines and less like parallel, non-crossing lines.
