2018 Outstanding Research and Scholarship Award Winners

Kent State’s Division of Research and Sponsored Programs honored the following faculty members for their outstanding work in research, scholarship and mentoring:


2018 Outstanding Research & Scholarship Awardees

Fabio J. Polanco, MFA
School of Theatre and Dance

Gregory C. Smith, EdD
Lifespan Development and Educational Sciences

Torsten Hegmann, PhD
Chemical Physics

Outstanding New Faculty Research & Scholarship Awardees

Gemma Casadesus Smith, PhD
Biological Sciences

Chanjuan Chen, MFA
Fashion Design and Merchandising

Excellence in Research Mentorship—Graduate

Anne Morrison, PhD
Lifespan Development and Educational Sciences

Elizabeth Smith-Pryor, PhD

Excellence in Research Mentorship—Undergraduate

Matthew Lehnert, PhD
Biological Sciences

Kristen Marcussen, PhD

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POSTED: Friday, September 13, 2019 03:09 PM
Updated: Friday, October 25, 2024 03:19 PM