SMC Wall of Fame

The E. Timothy Moore Student Multicultural Center (SMC) Wall of Fame celebrates student leaders who are highly involved in the the Moore Center.

The Moore Center enjoys rewarding students for their involvement and recognizing them for their hard work and dedication to the Moore Center. The SMC Wall of Fame highlights six students each year with their own plaque. This plaque includes a headshot photo and signature for each student who wins, and the plaque is mounted on the Wall of Fame for years to come. The Wall of Fame highlights students in 3 categories: The Connect, The Trendsetter, and The Presence. 

“The Connect” is awarded to a student who is actively involved in the Moore Center. Students can participate in MEN, Sister Circle, Academic S.T.A.R.S, Kupita/Transiciones, or general Moore Center sponsored programs and events. In the Moore Center, we want our students to experience meaningful leadership positions to develop them in preparation for their futures. 

Apply or nominate someone for “The Connect”

“The Trendsetter” is awarded to a student who refers the highest number of people to the Moore Center. The Moore Center looks forward to seeing new faces every day. We want students to feel this is a safe space for them to enter where they can be themselves. The Moore Center has had countless positive impacts on students and their college experience, and we wish to continue those positive impacts. 

Apply or nominate someone for “The Trendsetter”

“The Presence” is awarded to a student who has the highest attendance rate to the Moore Center. The Moore Center focuses on community building within our space. We want to see students as much as possible, whether it be for an event, eating lunch, doing homework, or connecting with other students. 

Apply or nominate someone for “The Presence”

The mission of the E. Timothy Moore Student Multicultural Center is to cultivate a sense of belonging and cultural affirmation for our students. The Moore Center values the growth of the individual student and strives to connect communities that encourage and support an appreciation for difference. To support students, we collaborate with on-and off-campus stakeholders, which allows us to operate as a community, a family, and a village. 

Kristyn Hibbett leans against a brick wall and smiles.

The SMC Wall of Fame was created by the Moore Center student staff member, Kristyn Hibbett. Kristyn served on the Moore Center staff as a summer intern, student media specialist, and hospitality liaison. Kristyn also was involved in the Moore Center programs as a member of the 2019 Academic S.T.A.R.S cohort and a mentor for Kupita/Transiciones. The idea for the SMC Wall of Fame originated when Kristyn, along with other students, wanted to enhance the aesthetics of the SMC Lounge with new photos representing more recent students. After Kristyn realized students wanted to be recognized for their dedication to the Moore Center, she saw a great opportunity for this recognition program. With support from the Moore Center staff, Kristyn created the SMC Wall of Fame. 





Fall 2022 SMC Wall of Fame Recipients

Penelope Cervantes headshot in black and white

Penelope Cervantes: Cervantes was given The Connect award because of her student involvement with the E. Timothy Moore Student Multicultural Center, as well as Kent State University. Cervantes participated in Kupita/Transiciones in 2020 as a mentee and as a mentor in 2021 and 2022. Not only has she been a mentor, but she is also an active member of Sister Circle and Spanish and Latino Student Association (S.A.L.S.A.). Cervantes has been very intentional about being involved and having an impact on the students around her 

Jade Northover headshot in black and white

Jade Northover: Northover was given The Presence award because of her ability to make her presence known within the community. Whenever Northover is in the SMC Lounge, she finds a way to be a light within the community and welcome people in. Northover was nominated by two of her peers for helping them feel like family within the E. Timothy Moore Student Multicultural Center. Northover has always seen the SMC as a safe place and wants others to feel the same.

Delonte Goodman Smiling

Delonte Goodman, senior, mechatronics major was selected for “The Trendsetter”. Goodman was given this because he is continuously encouraging students to go to the SMC or participate in SMC events. Goodman has served as a mentor for Kupita/Transiciones for three years and each year he has went the extra mile to encourage his mentees to get involved in the SMC.  As a member of the Male Empowerment Network, he not only attends the meetings but encourages those around him to attend as well. Goodman is dedicated to sharing the SMC space and resources with his peers and mentees.

Spring 2023 SMC Wall of Fame Recipients

A person smiling for the camera

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Zae Simon, junior, fashion merchandising major, was selected for The Connect award. Simon was given this award because of his involvement in the E. Timothy Moore Student Multicultural Center. He began his journey in the center in the summer of 2018 as an Academic STAR before moving into the fall semester through Kupita/Transiciones as a mentee. In 2018, Simon joined the Male Empowerment Network (MEN), worked as an SMC Student Assistant, and was part of the SMC Street Team. In 2022, Simon became a STARS Mentor and a KT Mentor. Simon is dedicated to making an impact on every peer or mentee he comes into contact with.

A person wearing glasses

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Shane Reese, sophomore, finance major, was selected for The Trendsetter. Reese was given this award because of his dedication to bringing more and more students into the SMC’s space and events. His efforts center around the Male Empowerment Network (MEN) and Kupita/Transiciones, as he serves in his positions as the Director of Civic and Community Engagement and as a K/T Mentor. As a member of both programs, Reese not only attends MEN and KT’s events, but also encourages those around him to attend and apply as well. Reese is passionate about bringing folks into the SMC’s community, to provide them a home where they need it most.

A person wearing a basketball jersey

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Yasir Pope, sophomore, theatre design, technology, and production major, was selected for The Presence. Pope was given this award because of his ability to brighten the room and make everyone who visits the SMC feel welcome. Whenever he is in the SMC, he greets everyone who happens to be in there at the time, regardless of if he has met them before or not. Pope also utilizes the SMC Lounge and the Tri-Towers Satellite Space in several ways, whether to make friends, attend SMC events, or plan events for the Kent Caribbean Student Organization (CSO). Pope considers the SMC the place to be, and is dedicated to helping others feel the same way.

Fall 2023 SMC Wall of Fame Recipients

A person with long braids and glasses

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A’kyra Holley, sophomore, Peace and Conflict studies major, was selected for “The Presence” award. Holley was given this award because of her deep connection to many of the students within our center. During her time spent here, whether it is to eat meals, study, attend virtual classes, or completing her Sister Circle office hours, you can always find her in our center. Between her assignments, Holley spends her time bonding with the other students who visit our center, celebrating their success and supporting them through their hardships.

A person with long hair smiling

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Nora Sone, senior, Neuroscience major, was selected for “The Trendsetter” award. Sone was given this award not only for referring students into the SMC, but for also connecting with the same students once they came. Her efforts have grown the SMC’s bright community, as she connects new community members with old, and brings everyone together. She has demonstrated exactly what it means to build and raise a community, and the people she has referred to our center have said that her presence in their lives have changed them for the better.

A person in a suit and tie

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Josiah Ragin, junior, Physical Education Sport Performance major, was selected for “The Connect” award. Ragin is deeply involved in every single program within the SMC in some fashion. He is the President for the Male Empowerment Network and supports and collaborates with Sister Circle. He is also a KT Family Leader and Mentor, a participant in the SMC Leadership Institute, and has supported the STARS program with his efforts. Ragin boosts the SMC’s sense of community, and ensures that nobody is left behind.


Spring 2024 SMC Wall of Fame Recipients

Dimaya Mayfield  - "The Trendsetter Award" - Most Referrals

Dimaya is a Junior Africana Studies major with a concentration in community activism development and strategy, with a minor in Philosophy. Dimaya currently serves as the Director of Student Relations for Black United Students, and serves as a Mentor for the Moore Center's Kupita/Transiciones mentorship program. Dimaya was awarded the “Trendsetter Award” because of the impact she had on her peers. She has motivated and mentored them to apply for our programs and utilize our space.

Kamariah Miller - "The Connect" - Most Involved

Kamariah Miller is a Senior majoring in Managerial Marketing. She currently serves as a President for Sister Circle. She has been a part of Sister Circle for 3 years, starting from a committee member, to serving as Co-Director of Programming, to now being President. She also serves as a Mentor for our  Kupita/Transiciones mentorship program. Kamariah was awarded “The Connect” award for her involvement with Sister Circle throughout her collegiate journey, and her impact as a Mentor for our Kupita/Transiciones program. 


Katelyn Nguyen - "The Presence"  - Best Attendance

Katelyn Nguyen is a Senior majoring in Fashion Merchandizing. She also has a photography business that is widely known within the Kent State community. She currently serves as the Co-Director of Marketing and Communications for Sister Circle. Last year she was a committee member for sister circle. Katelyn was awarded “The Presence” award for her unwavering support and presence within our center.