Quick Tip: Handling Extra Credit in Canvas
In this Quick Tip, we will discuss how instructors can add extra credit in their Canvas courses. It’s a question the RCID team has received from faculty regularly over the years, so we thought it would be good to share more broadly.
Quick Tip: Create MAGIC - Part 5 (Comment Library)
This is the final installment of the Regional Campus Instructional Design team’s 5-week series on communication, and MAGIC is our acronym that will help you engage and connect with your students. This week is C: Comment Library.
Quick Tip: Create MAGIC - Part 3 (Grade Comments)
The Regional Campus Instructional Design team is continuing our 5-week series on communication and MAGIC is our acronym that will help you engage and connect with your students. This week is G: Grade Comments.
Quick Tip: Provide feedback on students' work in Canvas
Canvas includes several ways to connect with your students and provide valuable feedback on their work. Check out the tools and strategies below.