Arts & Entertainment

Kent State University Museum

When you think about today’s technological advances, knitting may not be the first activity that comes to mind. However, this ancient craft is at the forefront of exciting research and innovation across many industries including automotive, medical, architecture, interior design and, of course, fashion. The KSU School of Fashion’s KnitLAB is also part of these advances by training the next generation of researchers in what will become a new industry.

School of Art Collection and Galleries

School of Art Collection and Galleries

Clothes are an expression of who we are. This exhibition tells the personal story of James Mulholland through a selection from his wardrobe. It is a reflection on how clothes are incorporated into a life. Influences on his style range from film references, favorite designers' collections, a love of fine craftmanship and playful reinterpretation of classic menswear.

School of Art Collection and Galleries

School of Art Collection and Galleries