Suicidal Thoughts

It is important to know that suicidal thoughts or feelings may be present for individuals experiencing depression or other mental health concerns.

Warning Signs that someone may be at risk of suicide:

  • Talking or writing about death, dying or suicide
  • Talking of feeling hopeless or having no reason to live
  • Talking about feeling trapped or being in unbearable pain
  • Talking about being a burden to others
  • Threatening to hurt or kill oneself
  • Seeking pills, weapons, or other means to kill oneself
  • Giving away personal or prized possessions
  • Displaying extreme mood swings
  • Taking risks/engaging in reckless behaviors
  • Increasing use of alcohol and/or drugs
  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Having made previous suicide attempt(s)

These warning signs may mean that someone is at risk for suicide.  The risk may be greater following a tragic event or loss, if the individual has increased his/her use of alcohol or drugs, or the individual is behaving in a reckless or agitated manner. Individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning, as well as veterans, are also at higher risk for suicide.

If you are concerned for your immediate safety or that of others, CALL 911.

  • If you are NOT concerned for your immediate safety or that of others:
  • Do not leave someone alone if he/she is in danger of self-harm.
  • Talk to the individual privately and acknowledge the individual’s feelings.
  • Take it seriously and communicate your concern.
  • Know that talking to individuals about suicide does not increase their risk.

Urge the person to seek professional help immediately, and suggest the following:

Kent State University Students may contact:
  • Counseling and Psychological Services 330-672-2487

Services provided are confidential and do not affect academic records.

Kent State University Staff or Faculty may contact:
  • IMPACT Employee Assistance and Work/Life Program 24 hours a day 800-227-6007

If you are concerned about the individual’s risk of self-harm outside of business hours, consider the following:

Kent State University Police Services

Phone: 911 [Emergency]
Phone: 330-672-2212 [Non-Emergency]

CAPS After Hours Crisis Support

Phone: 330-672-2487

Coleman Access Services

Phone: 330-296-3555

Townhall II Helpline

Phone: 330-678-HELP
Phone: 866-449-8518

National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Call or Text 988

The Trevor Lifeline: Preventing Suicide Among LGBTQ Youth

Phone: 866-488-7386