Graduate Program Timeline

Doctoral Program Timeline

1st semester

Selection of Advisor
Graduate Regulations (I.E.1.): "Any student working toward a graduate degree is expected to make an early choice of a Major Area (Division) and a Research Advisor which must be completed by the end of the first semester in the program."

2nd - 4th semesters

Selection of Advisory Committee
Graduate Regulations (III.C.1.): "Shortly after the student has formulated a dissertation research project, the Research Advisor, in consultation with the student, recommends members of the Advisory Committee to the Chair.  The actual appointment of the committee is made by the Chair in consultation with the Graduate Committee."  According to the Graduate Regulations (III.H.3.), this should be completed by the end of the second semester.

Completion of Coursework
According to the Graduate Regulations (III.H.4.), students should complete all required coursework by the end of their fourth semester.

Written Candidacy
According to the Graduate Regulations (III.H.5.), students should take the Written Candidacy Examination prior to the start of their fifth semester.

5th semester

Oral Candidacy
According to the Graduate Regulations (III.D.2.A.), students should take the Oral Candidacy Examination no later than three months after notification of passing the Written Candidacy Examination.

6th-8th semesters

Dissertation Prospectus & Notification of Approved Dissertation Topic
Graduate Regulations (III.H.): "The student is required to submit an abbreviated Dissertation Prospectus to each member of their Advisory Committee after the oral candidacy examination but not less than one year before the final defense of the dissertation."

9th semester-Graduation

Students should apply for graduation (via FlashLine) by the end of the first week of their final semester.

Dissertation Defense
Request for Graduate Faculty Representative
 (A&S "Process for Oral Defense, Requirements & Deadlines): "45 days (6 weeks) before the tentative oral defense date, a Graduate Faculty Representative must be requested through the College of Arts & Sciences...The Graduate Faculty Representation should be a faculty member from a discipline outside the program." 
Distribution of Dissertation (A&S "Process for Oral Defense, Requirements & Deadlines"): "30 days before the oral defense date the circulation of the dissertation will begin.  The Dissertation Committee (including the Graduate Faculty Representative) will receive the dissertation for a minimum 10 day reading period."  After the 10-day reading period, the dissertation committee can convene (without the candidate) for preliminary evaluation.
Defense Announcement (A&S "Process for Oral Defense, Requirements & Deadlines"): "10 days before the oral defense date, furnish each member of the Examining Committee with a copy of the dissertation and allow at least ten days after distribution before the final defense date...Make the time and place of the defense known to the Program Committee and all concerned and interested parties."

Post-Defense Requirements
Electronic Filing of Dissertation:
 Once all necessary connections have been made to a thesis/dissertation, electronic filing can begin.
Required Forms: The electronic filing of the dissertation must be accompanied by two printed copies of the signature sheet (with signatures from the committee and chair).

Masters Program Timeline

1st semester

Selection of Advisor
Graduate Regulations (I.E.1.): "Any student working toward a graduate degree is expected to make an early choice of a Major Area (Division) and a Research Advisor which must be completed by the end of the first semester in the program."

2nd - 4th semesters

Selection of Advisory Committee
Graduate Regulations (III.B.1.): "Shortly after the student has formulated a thesis research project, the Research Advisor, in consultation with the student, recommends members of the Advisory Committee to the Chair.  The appointment of the committee is made by the Chair in consultation with the Graduate Committee."  According to the Graduate Regulations (III.H.3.), this should be completed by the end of the second semester.

Completion of Coursework
According to the Graduate Regulations (II.E.4.), students should complete all required coursework by the end of the second calendar year.

5th semester - Graduation

Notification of Approved Thesis Topic
This form should be filed no later than the semester preceding that in which the candidate expects to receive a master's degree.

Thesis Defense

Post-Defense Requirements
Electronic Filing of Thesis: Once all necessary connections have been made to a thesis/dissertation, electronic filing can begin.
Required Forms: The electronic filing of the dissertation must be accompanied by two printed copies of the signature sheet (with signatures from the committee and chair).