Chosen vs. Legal Name Communications

Chosen Name: Process/Procedures for Written Communications with Students


On-Campus Communications:

  • Chosen names should be utilized when emailing and communicating on-campus with
  • Avoiding and Correcting Mistakes:
    •  Instead of using a student’s name in email communications (especially in group
      communications, i.e. emails), we encourage using general descriptions instead of a
      student name. Below are some examples:
      • Dear Kent State Students
      • Congratulations, KSU Student
      • Attention Future Flash
    • If a mistake is made, apologize quickly and succinctly to those impacted
      • You can send a corrected email with the chosen name

Off-Campus Communications:

  • Legal names must be utilized when sending information to off-campus addresses.
    • KSU’s current systems do not permit students to select if they’d like chosen name or
      legal name used with mailings home and external communications. 
    • Legal name is utilized for ALL off-campus communications to protect students who are
      not out with their family. 
  •  Avoiding and Correcting Mistakes:
    • Instead of using a student’s name in mailers, letters, or other off-campus
      communications, we encourage using general descriptions instead of a student name.
      Below are some examples:
      •  Kent State Student
      • Future Flash
      • Honoree
    •  If a mistake is made, apologize quickly and succinctly to those impacted.
      • You can send a corrected letter with the legal name. Include a statement that a clerical error was made in the first mailing and apologize for the confusion.

Questions? Requests for training?




Printable Version

A printable document containing this same information can be downloaded here:

Chosen vs Legal Name (PDF)


Learn More about Chosen Names and Pronouns

Creating and embracing an inclusive environment is important to the mission of Kent State University. The link below provides you with basic information regarding what chosen names and pronouns are, why we use them, and how to use them correctly and respectfully.

Chosen Name & Pronouns