Supervisory Foundations (Session is 2-parts. Continued on 5/23/24)

Tuesday, 21 May, 2024 -
8:30 am to 12:00 pm
Heer Hall
Conference Room 107

This Supervisory Foundations session is a 2 -part training that will help supervisors navigate new expectations and clarify what successful supervision looks like today. Participants will:
1) identify critical functions and skills needed for 2024 supervisors
2) clarify the role, responsibilities, and accountabilities they now have
3) complete a SWOT analysis for the organization, their team, and themselves
4) identify how supervisors think, talk, behave, and what fills their workday
5) review and apply motivation theories to their work teams
6) practice simple stress-relief tools and ways to reduce emotional reactions.

Must attend BOTH sessions - 5/21/24 & 5/23/24.

Target Learner: Current supervisors, up-and-coming supervisors