Tiffany Taylor
Tiffany Taylor is a Professor of Sociology at Kent State University at Kent (USA). Her research focuses on inequality and paid and unpaid work. She has co-edited a textbook Creating and Contesting Social Inequalities: Contemporary Readings from Oxford University Press and a volume for the book series Advances in Gender Research on marginalized mothers. In addition to numerous book chapters, she has also authored dozens of articles in journals such as Sex Roles; Ethnic and Racial Studies; Sociological Inquiry; American Sociological Review; Critical Sociology; Social Science Journal; Symbolic Interaction; Sociology Compass; Gender, Work, & Organizations; and Discourse & Society.
Teaching and Research Interests:
- Mothering
- Inequality- Class, Gender, Race, and Sexuality
- Research Methodology - Mixed Methods, Qualitative, and Quantitative
- Social Psychology
- Social Theory
- Welfare Service Delivery and Poverty
- Work and Organizations
Johnson, Austin, Baker Rogers, and Tiffany Taylor (co-editors). Forthcoming. Advances in Trans Studies: Moving Toward Gender Expansion and Trans Hope. Advances in Gender Research. Volume 32. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Taylor, Tiffany and Katrina Bloch (co-editors). 2018. Marginalized Mothers, Mothering from the Margins. Advances in Gender Research. Volume 25. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Bloch, Katrina, Tiffany Taylor, Jacob Church*, and Alison Buck. 2021. “An Intersectional Approach to the Glass Ceiling: Gender, Race, and Share of Middle and Senior Management in U.S. Workplaces.” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 84(5): 312-325.
Church, Jacob*, Kaitlyn Root*, Tiffany Taylor, and Kasey Lansberry Ray. 2020. “‘It’s all about teaching them soft skills’: Ohio Work First Managers’ Soft Skills Discourse and Neoliberal Cultural Capital.” Sociological Imagination, 56: 74-91.
Bloch, Katrina, Tiffany Taylor and Karen Martinez*. 2020. “Playing the ‘Race Card’: White Injury, White Victimhood, and the Paradox of Colour-blind Ideology in Anti-Immigrant Discourse.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43(7): 1130-1148.
Taylor, Tiffany, Alison Buck, Brianna Turgeon*, Katrina Bloch and Jacob Church*. 2019. “Spatial Variation in U.S. Labor Markets and Workplace Gender Segregation: 1980-2005.” Sociological Inquiry, 89(4): 703-726.
Taylor, Tiffany, Alison Buck, Katrina Bloch and Brianna Turgeon*. 2019. “Gender Composition and Share of Management: Tipping Points in US Workplaces, 1980-2005.” The Social Science Journal, 56(1): 48-59.
2013, American Sociological Association and National Science Foundation Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline (with Elizabeth Seale). “Race and Place: A Comparative Case Study of Welfare-to-Work Service Delivery in North Carolina and Ohio.” $7000.
2009, Kent State University. Farris Family Innovation Grant. “Welfare Service Delivery and Organizational Relations between Departments of Social Services and Nonprofit Organizations.” $24,000.
Faculty Advisor to Kent-Akron Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS)