Quick Tip: Canvas End-of-Semester Reminders

POSTED: Dec. 13, 2022

We hope the end of the semester is going smoothly for everyone.  We’re writing with some reminders and updates that we hope you will find helpful as we close out the fall semester and begin preparing for spring.

End-of-Semester Reminders

  1. Double-check your Canvas gradebook
    If you are using the Canvas gradebook, double-check that everything is accurate and up to date.  Don’t forget to:
  2. Report final grades
    Grade Push is available for Canvas, which allows you to post final grades from Canvas into FlashLine.  You also still have the option to report your grades manually in FlashLine
  3. Adjust Fall 2022 Canvas course settings if needed
    Students can only participate in a Canvas course while the course is active.  Once the course end date passes, the course enters a “concluded” or read-only state. 

Prepare for the Spring semester


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