Quick Tip: Create MAGIC - Part 1 (Message Students Who)
There is a new emphasis on engagement and belonging when it comes to all education. A little MAGIC can help tremendously. The RCID team is doing a 5-week series on communication and MAGIC is our acronym that will help you engage and connect with your students.
What is MAGIC?
- Message Students Who
- Announcements
- Grade comments
- Inbox
- Comments Library
Message Students Who
This week is brought to you by the letter M!
Communicating with individual students who need extra encouragement and reminders is easy with the “Message Student Who” option. You can use this option to nudge students for a variety of reasons. You do not need to figure out who fits the criteria -- Abracadabra, Canvas does all that work for you.
Here is a list of the criteria:
- Haven't submitted yet
- Haven't been graded
- Scored less than
- Scored more than
- Marked Incomplete
- Reassigned
The best part is, it appears to the student that you are communicating with them individually. This individualized touch helps with that feeling of belonging and in return helps with retention.
This option can be found in the Gradebook column title of the assignment, discussion, or quiz you are working on.