
Center for Student Involvement

Kent State's Official Speech & Debate Team

As a student chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects, NOMA; we continue a legacy of over 30 years into the College of Architecture and Environmental Design (CAED) at Kent State University.

Center for Student Involvement

Hillel's mission is to inspire and enable students to explore, embrace, and celebrate Jewish life and identity!

Center for Student Involvement

We are a graduate and undergraduate music society that seeks to educate both musicians and non-musicians on world music.

Center for Student Involvement

The Spanish and Latine Student Association (S.A.L.S.A.) is a student-run organization created to assist in the success of the Latine students and those interested in the Latine culture at Kent State University.

Center for Student Involvement

The Society of Global cultures aims to foster mutual understanding between people of different backgrounds and encourage intercultural communication between its members. We host events and meetings on topics of interest to our members.

Center for Student Involvement

This circle is dedicated to aiding Japanese students in their daily lives as international exchange students at Kent State University.

Center for Student Involvement

Students for Justice in Palestine is a culturally/educationally focused political group that seeks to educate students, visitors, and faculty alike about the current situation in Palestine.

Center for Student Involvement

The underlying philosophy of Black United Students is to serve and unify all Black students at Kent State University by addressing their needs.

Nepalese Student Association at Kent State University (Kent-NSA) is a non-political organization established in 2005 to promote mutual understanding and cooperation among Nepalese students.