Trevor Watkins, University Libraries
Trevor Watkins, University Libraries, presented Applying The Open Knowledge Diffusion Tools Framework to Cybersecurity Courses at OpenCon New York on Oct. 26, 2018.
Haithem Zourrig, Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Haithem Zourrig, Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship at Kent State University at Stark, presented The Influence of Country Image and Consumer Animosity on Chinese and South Korean Consumers Responses to U.S. and Japanese Brands at the Society for Marketing Advances meeting in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Nov. 2, 2018.
Trevor Watkins, University Libraries
Trevor Watkins, University Libraries, presented the poster “Black Squirrel GNU/Linux: The World’s First Operating System Designed for Libraries, Museums and Archives” at IFLA WLIC 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Transform Libraries, Transform Societies – on Oct. 26, 2018.
Paul Ferhmann and Peggy Nzomo, University Libraries
Peggy Nzomo and Paul Ferhmann, University Libraries, co-presented “Advocacy in Everyday Life: The Role of Information Literacy Skills” at the European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) in Oulu, Finland, on Sept. 27, 2018.
Trevor Watkins, University Libraries
Trevor Watkins, University Libraries, presented "How African American Contributions to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Both Directly and Indirectly Had a Significant Impact During Times of War" at the 103rd ASALH Annual Meeting and Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, on Oct. 4, 2018.
Yoshinobu Hakutani, Department of English
Yoshinobu Hakutani, Department of English, presented “Haiku as a Bridge Between Japan and America: Three Girders of Yone Noguchi, Ezra Pound and R. H. Blyth” at the 2018 Yone Noguchi Society Conference, held at International Christian University, Tokyo, July, 7, 2018.
Yoshinobu Hakutani, Department of English
Yoshinobu Hakutani, Department of English, presented “Richard Wright’s Haiku and Basho” and chaired the session “Culture and Literature of the Chicago Renaissance: Postmodern and Postcolonial Development,” at the American Literature Association Conference in San Francisco, May 24-27, 2018.
Peter C. Kratcoski, Department of Sociology
Peter C. Kratcoski, Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology, and co-presenters Gilbert Norden and Maximilian Edelbacher presented “Pre-Service Experiential Education/Training for Criminal Justice” at the International Police Executive Symposium/United Nations Symposium on Drugs and Crime in Vienna, Austria, on Aug. 21, 2018.
Trevor Watkins, University Libraries
Trevor Watkins, University Libraries, presented “Libraries Beyond the Bricks and Mortar: A Framework for Embedding STEM Library Services in Virtual Spaces” at the World Library and Information Congress: 84th IFLA General Conference and Assembly on Aug. 27, 2018, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Non-tenure Track Faculty Members Receiving Promotion
Congratulations to the following non-tenure track faculty members receiving promotion.