
Distinguished Alumna Helps Open Exhibit Showcasing Women’s Role in Cartography During World War II

From 1941: Former Kent State President – KIDNAPPED!
In 1941, a writing exercise for high school journalists visiting Kent State was centered around a fictional kidnapping of the university's first president, John E. McGilvrey. In a pre-internet version of a "home page takeover," the stories ran on the front page of the Kent Stater - without including information revealing that they were not real!

Ohio LGBTQ History Revealed: Kent State SURE Project Leads to Niche Discovery
Alex Moir is one of many students who participated in the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program in 2023. Alongside mentor Lauren Vachon, the two were determined to investigate Ohio’s LGBTQ history and were led to the story of Georgia Hopley through a tip from an archivist at Ohio History Connection (a non-profit historical society) of a possible undocumented queer romance.

I Spy a Winning Dissertation: History Doctoral Student Receives Prestigious U.S. Army Fellowship

Long-Awaited 'TEXTURES: the history and art of Black hair' Opening Sept. 10 at the Kent State University Museum
The Kent State University Museum is thrilled to announce the opening of its long-awaited exhibition “TEXTURES: the history and art of Black hair.” Already gaining national and international attention, “TEXTURES” opens Sept. 10 and is a landmark exploration of Black hair and its important, complex place in the history of African American life and culture.

Geology Professor and Science Historian Co-Author Article Exploring Eunice Foote’s Climate Experiments From 1856
Recently, Joseph Ortiz, Ph.D., professor and assistant chair in the Department of Geology in Kent State University’s College of Arts and Science, partnered with Sir Roland Jackson, Ph.D., a historian of science at the Royal Institution and the Department of Science and Technology Studies at University College London, to co-author a paper assessing the experiments described in Eunice Foote’s papers from a detailed quantitative perspective and to place them in historical context. They point out the differences between her hypothesis and that of the modern greenhouse effect.