Office of Continuing and Distance Education

Fire skies over the University Library at sunrise

Fiery, fall colors filled the cloudy skies above Kent State on an early morning in November. 

President McGilvrey at his desk.

Kent State's founding president was born on Jan. 8, 1867. His tireless dedication to the institution and its students is reflected in innovations that continue to propel Kent State University forward today. 

Piano Institute participants from last year pose for a group photo. The highly gifted pre-collegiate pianists came from the United States, China, Honduras and China to Kent State University.

The 2016 Piano Institute, in association with the Piano Division of the Hugh A. Glauser School of Music at Kent State University, will present a series of master classes and recitals from July 19-26 on the university’s campus and culminate with the July 26 gala concert at Severance Hall’s Reinberger Chamber Hall in Cleveland.