Two Kent State University ROTC cadets pick out daffodil bulbs to plant as part of the university's annual Veterans Day Commemoration.

Kent State ROTC Cadets Honor Veterans, Plant Daffodil Bulbs on May 4 Site

As part of Kent State University’s annual Veterans Day Commemoration, cadets from the university’s ROTC programs joined staff from University Facilities Management and other volunteers on the site of the May 4, 1970, tragedy to plant daffodil bulbs.

Tags: Community & Society, Students First, ROTC

Kent Campus

Veterans Day activities at Kent State Stark

Kent State Honors Veterans During World Golf Championships in Akron

Kent State University is again showing its appreciation to our nation’s service members by hosting a military-exclusive hospitality chalet for veterans, service members and their families during the World Golf Championships-Bridgestone Invitational at Firestone Country Club in Akron on Aug. 2-6.

Tags: Military, ROTC, Center for Adult and Veteran Services, University News

Kent Campus