Student Life - What's Happening On Campus
Meet Ryanne Bunting, a Kent State sophomore double majoring in international studies and anthropology from Fairfield, Ohio, combining human rights, culture, global interactions and history into a formidable career path.
Kent State chose October as Mental Health Awareness Month because the need for mental health support peaks during the month.
Kent State University’s Native American Student Association (NASA) recognized Orange Shirt Day, or the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, by engaging with the campus community and initiating discussions about the legacy of residential schools and the generational trauma they caused.
Students, faculty, staff, and administrators are encouraged to take the “Our Voices Count” Engagement and Well-Being Survey by the Oct. 20 deadline.
For Taylor Pierce, her first experience in Kent State’s Columbus Program in State Issues turned out to be more than most people would expect. She spontaneously entered and won a contest. She met Ohio’s governor and lieutenant governor. And, she considered a new career path. Not bad for a few weeks in a new city.