Name in Header
Many Kent State website visitors take advantage of resources on more than one website during an average visit to the domain. For example, a prospective student might visit admissions, university housing and the catalog websites. Similarly, a current student might visit their academic department, the bursar’s office and the library.
To eliminate confusion of the multiple resources that offers, a standard visual treatment and location representation is required. These elements are automated to appear appropriately for all clients within the university's content management system. This standard header must contain the following information, while adhering to style standards:
- For colleges or divisions, the official unit name must appear centered beneath the global header and above primary navigation (desktop version).
- Use National Bold Italic font (27px).
- Use full name for college or school: College of Public Health, School of Journalism and Mass Communication
- Does not need to include “Department of” (i.e., Anthropology is acceptable).
- Includes search functionality.
- Third party vendor sites should make an input box that sends the user to[TERM USER TYPED IN].
- Must include the utilities bar, which includes eight links, starting with FlashLine login and ending with Give Now