
Center for Student Involvement

The purpose of the KSU ComTech Club shall be to promote amateur radio communications and electronics technology (both vintage and modern).

Center for Student Involvement

The KSU Art Club's mission is to bridge the gap between the Fine Arts programs in the School of Art, as well as exposing non-art majors to art-related and creative events within and outside of the city of Kent.

This organization organizes events and socials to bring interdepartmental biology graduate students and faculty members together.

Center for Student Involvement

A meeting of people interested in engineering and creating new things.

Center for Student Involvement

The purpose of the Kent State University Student Alliance shall be to inspire, engage and support students through educational and collaborative engagements.

Center for Student Involvement

This student organization is titled KDEKt (Kent Dance Ensemble Konnect).

Center for Student Involvement

NASA is up and running. We are currently looking for members. Anyone and everyone is welcome!

Center for Student Involvement

German Club (DeutschKlub Kent) is an Organization that involves German themed culture activities and Language interest skills.

Center for Student Involvement

On the clock is a student organization with the goal to bring students that enjoy talking about sports together.

Center for Student Involvement

Honor Society focuses on helping students succeed by connecting members with the right people and opportunities to help them achieve their goals.