Ashley Nickels
Ashley Nickels is an associate professor in the School of Peace and Conflict Studies (SPCS) at Kent State University. Working at the intersections of urban studies, public policy and administration, and nonprofit/civic studies, Dr. Nickels' research focuses on issues of power, social equity, and democratic participation. Her area of specialization is community development. Dr. Nickels is Co-Editor-in-Chief of Administrative Theory & Praxis, and Co-Leader of the Growing Democracy Project and Growing Democracy Lab, and Co-Host of the Growing Democracy Podcast.
Dr. Nickels holds a PhD in Public Affairs, with a specialization in Community Development, from Rutgers University-Camden.
Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities
Nickels, A. E. (2019). Power, Participation, & Protest in Flint, Michigan: Unpacking the Policy Paradox of Municipal Takeover. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Balfour, D., Adams, G., and Nickels A. E. (2019). Unmasking Administrative Evil, 5th Edition. New York, NY: Routledge.
Nickels, A. E. & Rivera, J. D. (Eds.). (2018). Community Development and Public Administration Theory: Empowerment through the Enhancement of Democratic Principles. New York, NY: Routledge.
Nickels, A. E. & Vilella, D. (Eds.). (2017). Grand Rapids Grassroots: An Anthology. Cleveland, OH: Belt Publishing, Rust Belt Cities Series.
Martin, J. L., Nickels, A. E., Sharp-Grier, M. (Eds.). (2017). Feminist Pedagogy, Practice, and Activism: Improving Lives for Girls and Young Women. New York, NY: Routledge Press.
Articles (selected):
Leach, K.A. & Nickels, A. E. (2021). Toward a More Just Nonprofit Sector: Leveraging a Critical Approach to Disrupt and Dismantle White Masculine Space. Public Integrity, 23(4), 515-530.
Nickels, A. E., Clark, A. D., & Wood, Z. D. (2019). How Municipal Takeovers Reshape Urban Democracy: Comparing the Experiences of Camden, New Jersey and Flint, Michigan. Urban Affairs Review, online first.
Nickels, A. E. & Martin, J. (2018). Unpacking the Impostor in Feminist Community Activism: A Memorial of a Detroit Snob. Feminist Formations, 30(2).
Clark, A. D., Dantzler, P. D., & Nickels, A. E. (2018). Black Lives Matter: Reframing the next wave of black liberation. Research on Social Movements, Conflict, and Change, 42.
Nickels, A. E. (2016). Approaches to Municipal Takeover: Home rule erosion and state intervention in Michigan and New Jersey. State and Local Government Review, 48(3), 1-14.
Nickels, A. E. (2015). Pedagogical Perspectives on Teaching Community Development (symposium introduction). Journal of Public Affairs Education, 21(2), 139-142.
Rivera, J. D. & Nickels, A. E. (2014). Social Capital, Community Resilience, and Faith-based Organizations in Disaster Recovery: A Case Study of Mary Queen of Vietnam Catholic Church. Risk, Hazards, and Crisis in Public Policy.
M.S. in Community Development (en passant), Rutgers University, 2016
M.P.A., concentration in nonprofit leadership, Grand Valley State University, 2006
B.S. in Psychology and Gender Studies, Grand Valley State University, 2003