Course Offerings Content Block

Finding Your Catalog URL

Screenshot of the university catalog.

1.) Visit and select Courses A-Z from the primary menu. 

Screenshot of the university catalog.
Screenshot of the university catalog.

2.) Find your program from the alphabetical list, right click, and copy the link

Integrating Course Offerings in Drupal

Screenshot of a webpage.

1.) Under Utilities, select Layout

Screenshot of a webpage.

2.) In the Layout editor, select Add block

Screenshot of a webpage.

3.) In the block menu, search for and select Catalog Courses Block.

Screenshot of a webpage.
Screenshot of how to add graduate courses to Catalog Courses Block

4.) Configure the Catalog Courses Block to your liking, click Update or Add block when done. 

  • Title — Check Display title and fill the in the box to display a custom heading above your course block. 
  • Courses URL — You MUST paste the URL to your program's course offerings in this field for it to work. 
  • Min/Max Course Level — Can display all courses (00000 - 899999) or split by undergraduate and graduate levels.
Screenshot of a webpage.

5.) Scroll back to the top, and click Save layout