Digital Communications

Information can be shared with the university community in various ways and the type of information will generally dictate which vehicle is best. 


University Calendar

The university calendar populates multiple platforms, including:


Communication Vehicles 

Whether you are hoping to share a student's success story or need to announce an important deadline, you can reach a wide variety of audiences using these platforms:   

  • FlashLine 
    • Notifications (appear behind the red bell in the masthead of FlashLine)
    • Banners
  • University emails, when criteria are met
  • Publications, including Faculty Staff News Now, Kent State Today, the Kent State University website, KSU Mobile  
  • Kent State institutional social media platforms

In each instance, use the communication request form below to submit your information. The below Communication Request form will route to the appropriate platform's editor.


Review the guidelines, criteria, deadlines and requirements for each communication vehicle.


Communication Request Form