Exhibition: John Paul Morabito: Madonna dei Femminellə

KSU Museum
Higbee Gallery

The Kent State University Museum is pleased to announce its spring exhibition, “John Paul Morabito: Madonna dei Femminellə”, a solo exhibition by the head of the textiles program at Kent State University’s School of Art. Consistent with the Kent State University (KSU) Museum’s mission to showcase exceptional textile art and to inspire the next generation of artists, the exhibition includes fourteen woven tapestries by Morabito, displayed in the museum’s historic Higbee Gallery.

The exhibition is curated by Professor/Curator Sara Hume and will be open to the public from Friday, March 21 to June 22, 2025. 

A public opening reception and artist talk will be held on Thursday, March 20, 5 p.m. at the museum. This exhibition is sponsored by Janice Lessman-Moss. The Kent State University Museum receives operating support through a sustainability grant from the Ohio Arts Council. 

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Image: La Madonna dei Tempi (dopo Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino); 2019 Cotton, wool, glass beads; 85”x 42”