Rovena Gjoni

Rovena Gjoni earned her undergraduate degree (B.A.) in Economics and her graduate degree (M.A.) in Management and Business Administration, from the University of Florence. In March 2011 she participated in the “Firenze crea Impresa” project, organized by “Confindustria Firenze”. In June 2011 she participated in the 13th edition of the “Premio per il Marketing” ranking 29th. She joined the KSU-Florence Staff in January 2012.

Alessandro Giannozzi

Alessandro Giannozzi is Adjunct Professor of Finance at Kent State University and professor of Corporate Finance at the University of Florence. He earned his Ph.D in Finance at the University of Trieste and he was Assistant Professor of Finance at Link Campus University-Rome. In 2010 he joined Kent State University to teach Business Finance. He has authored and co-authored several books and papers on finance and company valuation. His main research interests are credit rating estimation, risk management, company valuation and investment decisions.

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