Drones were one of the most popular gifts given during the recent holiday season. As students return to campus this week, possibly with a new drone, the Kent State University Department of Public Safety offers some guidelines to ensure the flying experience is both safe and enjoyable. Anyone who flies an unmanned aircraft system (UAS), or drone weighing more than 0.55 pounds, for recreational purposes must register the aircraft with the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) UAS registry by Feb. 19, 2016.  People that fly UAS for profit must receive authorization from the FAA. Pe...

AT&T has made a $200,000 contribution to Kent State University’s Research Center for Educational Technology to implement new technology in special education environments with a focus on mobile apps, including those intended to help students learn science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM). Faculty, staff and students from the Research Center for Educational Technology, special education, school psychology, teacher education and computer science are partnering to explore how mobile applications can be used to support students in school, home and therapeutic settings. The pro...

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Student Center is dedicated to providing the students, faculty and staff at Kent State University with education, training, support and resources that cater to the gender and sexual minority community and its allies.     ...

Richard (Rick) Feinberg, Department of Anthropology, presented “Ethnographic Research and the Study of Music” at the College Music Society National Conference (panel on Public Musicology: Preparing Students to Engage beyond Academia) in Indianapolis, Indiana, on Nov. 5, 2015. Summary: This presentation explored ways in which the study of musical practices can be relevant to understanding other aspects of a cultural system. Web link: http://www.music.org/ ...

Kenneth Burhanna, assistant dean for University Libraries, was appointed Fellow of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). Burhanna is one of 28 people selected to serve in the 2016-2017 academic year. The ARL Leadership Fellows program is an executive-level leadership program designed to inspire and develop future leaders of ARL member institutions. Kent State University Libraries is one of only 124 academic member libraries in North America. In 2012, Burhanna also was named 2012 Distance Learning Visionary by the Ohio Library Association. ...

Roman Panchyshyn, University Libraries, authored "Retraining and Reskilling the Technical Services Staff" in Creating the 21st Century Academic Library, Vol. 6, Lanham, Maryland: Bradford Lee Eden, (2016), 55-64. Summary: Panchyshyn discusses in detail issues faced by technical services managers in libraries when facing the need to train or retrain existing library staff to meet the needs of the 21st century academic library. The article stresses which skills technical services staff will require in order to provide effective services for patrons in a future library setting, and also s...

Peter Kratcoski, Sr., Department of Sociology, Kent State University at Stark, edited “The Relationship of the Informal Economy to Corruption, Fraud and Organized Crime” in Corruption, Fraud, Organized Crime and the Shadow Economy, 1st ed. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group. Maximilian Edelbacher, Peter C. Kratcoski and Bojan Dobovsek (Eds.) (2016). Additional Comments: The editors and selected contributors to the book will speak at a meeting on Corruption, Fraud, Organized Crime and the Shadow Economy on Dec. 8, 2015. The meeting is hosted by the National Assembly of S...

Kent State University is proud to offer Weight Watchers at Work to its full- and part-time faculty, staff and students. Participants in Kent State Weight Watchers have the option of two discounted weight-loss programs: The first option is a monthly pass for Weight Watchers meetings. This option gives faculty, staff and students a chance to try the program without making a lengthy commitment. In this program, you can either attend “at-work” meetings or a meeting held within your community. The second weight loss option is the Weight Watchers online program. The online program is tailore...

Does the temporary relief of the holiday break seem as if it has worn off? Are you feeling a little “stressed?” We all realize that stress is a part of life. We can’t avoid it; however, some of us have the ability to cope with stress in a more proactive way. Not having the right tools in place and reacting negatively can leave you prone to suffer stress-related symptoms and illnesses. The goal of this program is to learn the tools to manage stress in an effective way. Our time will be spent covering the following: What is stress and how does it cause damage? Baseline: How stressed a...

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