Virginia A. Dressler, University Libraries, presented “Beyond Google Analytics: Using the 'Toolkit for the Impact of Digitised Scholarly Resources' to Embed Metrics and Gauge Use of Regional Digital Collections” at the Association for Information Science and Technology annual meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, on Nov. 7, 2015.  ...

Emad Khazraee, School of Library and Information Science, presented “Mapping Digital Divide: Spatial Analysis of Information Access and Socio-Demographic Variables in the City of Philadelphia” at the Kent State’s Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative in Cleveland, Ohio on Nov. 13, 2015. ...

Richard (Rick) Feinberg, Department of Anthropology, presented “Taumako as Religious Crossroads” at New Zealand Studies Association (in collaboration with the University of Vienna’s Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology and the University of South Australia) in Vienna, Austria, on July 2, 2015. The global spread of European political and military dominance from the 16th- through the 20th centuries was accompanied by the introduction of Christianity into many previously non-Christian areas. Through most of the Solomon Islands, a British colony until 1978, Christianity’s leading exem...

Kenneth Cushner, School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies, authored a section of a book “Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence” in Sage Handbook of Research in International Education, 2nd ed., (2015): 200-216. Mary Hayden, Jack Levy and Jeff Thompson (Eds.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. ...

Rick Feinberg, Department of Anthropology, authored a magazine article “Learning to Handle a Polynesian Dugout Canoe” in American Whitewater, Vol. 55, Issue 4. Ambrose Tuscano (Ed.). Cullowhee, North Carolina Summary: In 2007-08, Feinberg spent nine months on Taumako, a Polynesian island in the Solomon Islands, trying to learn the local people's maritime skills, which included paddling, poling and sailing a wooden dugout canoe on the island’s reef and in the surrounding ocean. In this article, Feinberg compares the handling of a Taumako dugout to Western canoes and kayaks and the extent to ...

AT&T has made a $200,000 contribution to Kent State University’s Research Center for Educational Technology to implement new technology in special education environments with a focus on mobile apps, including those intended to help students learn science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM). Faculty, staff and students from the Research Center for Educational Technology, special education, school psychology, teacher education and computer science are partnering to explore how mobile applications can be used to support students in school, home and therapeutic settings. The proje...

The Affordable Care Act requires certain employers to offer health insurance coverage to full-time employees and their dependents. Further, those employers must send an annual statement to all employees eligible for coverage describing the insurance available to them. The Internal Revenue Service created Form 1095-C to serve as that statement. Every employee who is eligible for insurance coverage will receive a 1095-C. Eligible employees who decline to participate in their employer’s health plan will still receive a 1095-C, which identifies: The employee and the employer Which month...

There are several advantages to receiving your W2 electronically. They include: Quick and early access Significantly reduced chance sensitive personal data may be lost or stolen Access from any location with Internet availability Environmental impact If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, you are required by federal regulations to give your consent. This can be done online any time between now and Jan. 8, 2016. To consent, follow these simple steps: Log into FlashLine Go to the Employee / Resources page. In the My Earnings and Benefit Elections section, ...

There are several advantages to receiving your W2 electronically. They include: Quick and early access Significantly reduced chance sensitive personal data may be lost or stolen Access from any location with Internet availability Environmental impact If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, you are required by federal regulations to give your consent. This can be done online any time between now and Jan. 8, 2016. To consent, follow these simple steps: Log into FlashLine Select Employee / Resources / HR Forms Library from the main menu. In the HR Forms Libr...

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