Kent State University’s first Latina sorority, Lambda Theta Nu Sorority Inc., introduced themselves to the Kent State and Greek community in its step out show on Feb. 20 at the Kent Student Center Kiva. The sorority’s purpose is to give the population of identified Latina students on campus support and a sense of community. At the show, the sorority announced its coming out to the community with stepping, strolling and bringing out traditional Latino machetes during their performance.  “It was a really fun event,” said Rachel Hook, the sorority’s president and a senior managerial market...

The Kent State University Board of Trustees approved several new degree programs aimed at filling critical needs in the workforce during its March 11, 2015, board meeting. To help meet a growing demand for aerospace engineers who can apply the engineering principals to the design, manufacture and functionality of aerospace vehicles such as aircraft and spacecraft, the Board established an aerospace engineering major within the Bachelor of Science degree, effective Fall Semester 2015.  The new degree program, which was developed in alignment and in accordance with the standards of th...

Musician Mark Mothersbaugh explains in a new video how May 4, 1970, inspired Devo, an American rock band that gained notoriety for the song “Whip It” in 1980. In the cartoon-like production, Mothersbaugh talks about the band’s view of music and how it joined the age of “devolution.” Read more in Rolling Stone and watch the video here. ...

Kent State University’s Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative, the home of the College of Architecture and Environmental Design’s graduate program in urban design and architecture, has issued a call for proposals to communities throughout Northeast Ohio in need of urban design assistance. Kent State’s Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative is seeking a community partner from an Ohio city, suburb, town or neighborhood facing a unique urban design or planning challenge and in need of fresh ideas and perspectives to host its 2015 Urban Design Charrette. A charrette is a collaborative session in w...

Kent Trumbull student Nicole Sandrella

“You look normal.”   “You don’t seem like you’re sick.”   “You’ve got what?” Nicole Sandrella has heard it all when it comes to people’s responses when they learn that the Kent State University at Trumbull senior has multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body. The cause of MS is still unknown – scientists believe the disease is triggered by as-yet-unidentified environmental factor(s) in a person who is genetically predisp...

President Warren Launches Strategic Visioning Process

Dear Kent State Community: It has been an exciting, invigorating and inspiring eight months since joining the Kent State University community. Through the Presidential Listening Tour and other meetings, both casual and formal, I have learned so much about what is the heart of Kent State. You have been gracious with your time, open and candid with your comments and reflections, and warm and welcoming to one of the newest members of this outstanding community. For that and more, I am most grateful and look forward to our continued work together. Kent State is poised to determine a distinct...

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