I received an email saying I initiated an email change, when I did not initiate the change.

When a person changes their email address, the system will then send two email messages. The first is to the old email address to inform you that a request for a change from this address has occurred and if it was done in error, there is a unique link to click to cancel the change. The second email is to the new email address indicating that a change to this address was initiated and a unique link to click confirming the change. If you did not initiate the change, click the link to cancel the request.

My email address is changing, what do I do?

On your designee profile page, update your email address and click save. The system will then send two email messages. The first is to your old email address to inform you that a request for a change from this address has occurred and if it was done in error, there is a unique link to click to cancel the change. The second email is to your new email address indicating that a change to this address was initiated and a unique link to click confirming the change.

I am trying to reset my PIN and I receive the following: "Your PIN has been disabled; you should have an email with directions telling you how to re-enable your PIN." I did not receive an email.

If you receive this message, please follow the directions to request a PIN reset: enter your email address and then select Forgot PIN. This will generate an email with a temporary password. Please note that when you enter your temporary password in the PIN field, the temporary password is case sensitive and cut/paste may add extra spaces which will result in a failed attempt.

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