Kent State Stark staff with Flash at Smart Start Orientation

Unprecedented challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic necessitate a change in approach to Kent State University’s admissions process to ensure student access and success. “We recognize that COVID-19 has disrupted the college enrollment process for our prospective students and K-12 educational partners,” said Sean Broghammer, Ph.D., associate vice president for enrollment management/admissions at Kent State. “Therefore, we have worked to simplify our admissions process beginning with the 2020 Fall Semester.” For fall 2020 applicants, Kent State University at Stark will: Waive ACT...

肯特州立大学心理学教授约翰·冈斯塔德(John Gunstad)博士已从美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)获得近260万美元的资助,用于将扩大他所领导的阿尔茨海默氏病研究至全国范围。 语言识别与阿尔茨海默症 冈斯塔德教授正在研究如何将老年人的语音特征变化用作阿尔茨海默氏症的早期检测的方法。阿尔茨海默氏症是进行性神经系统疾病,是老年痴呆症的主要原因。在出现症状之前,阿尔茨海默氏症会引起大脑变化。 从去年开始,此项研究就获得了由肯特州立大学的大脑健康研究所与克利夫兰大脑健康研究所的合作提供的40,000美元的赠款,以用于60人的初步研究。 冈斯塔德教授进行研究的想法源于IBM现有的工作,它使用新技术研究精神病或精神分裂症患者的言语模式变化,以确定谁在未来住院的风险最高。 冈斯塔德教授与IBM研究人员联系,以查看他是否可以使用公司的技术来收集和检查老年人的语音,从而根据他们的语音模式变化来确定谁最容易患痴呆症。这促进与IBM研究员Rachel Ostrand博士进行了初步研究,冈斯塔德教授表示,他对扩大该技术的使用充满热情。 “这样的语言变化包括患者在找不到合适的单词时遇到想出单词的麻烦或用模糊的术语或代词代替”,例如,冈斯塔德教授说,“患者可能开始将诸如椅子之类的物品称为‘事物’,而不是使用确切的名词。” 该技...

Flashes take care of Flashes painted rock

Kent State University announced the creation of the Pay It Flash Forward Emergency Fund that will help students who are unexpectedly finding themselves in financial need as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Our students need us now more than ever,” said Kent State President Todd Diacon. “I am confident that our Golden Flash family will answer that call, because despite the uncertainty we are all facing at this time, there is one thing that remains constant: Flashes take care of Flashes.” More than $15,800 was raised within 24 hours of the fund’s launch via the president’s March 26 emai...

Several telecommunications companies are offering free internet access to students and area families. MCTV, a leading internet, TV and phone provider in the region, announced Tuesday it would offer free internet access for families without service in response to online learning concerns related to COVID-19. MCTV is offering free internet access to households with K-12 or college students who do not already have an MCTV broadband subscription. The offer is available now through April 30. Find additional information here or call 330-833-4134. Comcast and Spectrum are also offering free ...

Theatre's The Nerd

Kent State University at Stark Theatre will hold its second theatrical production of the 2019-20 season, “The Nerd”, a two-act comedy by playwright Larry Shue. The cast of “The Nerd” will take to the campus’ stage for opening night at 7:30 p.m. March 6 in The Mary J. Timken Theatre, which is located in the expanded and renovated Fine Arts Building, 6000 Frank Ave. NW. Directed by Kent State Stark Theatre Director Jim Weaver, “The Nerd” is set in Terre Haute, Indiana, in late 1979. The play centers around the hilarious dilemma of a young architect, Willum Cubbert, who is visited by R...

Kent State has been awarded Tree Campus USA recognition for the 12th consecutive year.

The trees on Kent State University’s campus bring something new to marvel at each season. In the summer, trees provide welcoming shade for students to lounge, fall brings vivid leaves that crunch under students’ feet on the way to classes, and winter pines provide an idyllic picture of fluffy snow. With nearly 4,000 trees on campus, Kent State has been awarded the Tree Campus USA recognition for the 12th consecutive year from the Arbor Day Foundation, a nonprofit conservation organization. According to the foundation, the honor is designed to recognize colleges for “promoting healthy trees...

WKSU Link WKSU | By Jon Nungesser Published February 22, 2020 at 7:00 AM EST LISTEN • 5:00   Joe Gunderman Mark Suchan is the Director of Materials Management for Quasar Energy Group. The Quasar Energy Group has been tasked with hauling away Kent State University's food waste that was ground up through the Grind2Energy system. The food waste will then be fed to Quasar's anaerobic digester.  Mark Suchan is the Director of Materials Management for Quasar Energy Group. Quasar is a Cleveland company that speacializes in renewable energy&n...

Special Guest Lecture with Dr. Michael W. Beck

Renowned marine scientist Michael W. Beck, Ph.D., will discuss the importance of coastal conservation at a free lecture on March 4. Beck, a research professor in the Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz, focuses on conserving our coastlines in an effort to reduce the risks of storm surges and flooding to property, people and our planet. Thanks to a generous grant from the Herbert W. Hoover Foundation, Beck will speak at 7 p.m. March 4 in Auditorium 101 in the Science & Nursing Building at Kent State University at Stark, 6000 Frank Ave. NW. The...

Kent State implements changes to recycling policy Becca Sagaris General assignment reporter February 16, 2020 Kent Wired Kent State implemented changes to its recycling policy for the Kent campus this February. “The biggest change is in plastics, of what can be recycled and what cannot,” said Leah Graham, the outreach recycling coordinator. “Plastic bottles and jugs should be recycled, and all plastic other than bottles and jugs should go into the landfill.” Anything with a neck or an opening that is smaller than the body falls under the category of bottles and jugs. The only add...

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