Peggy C. Stephens, Ph.D.
College of Public Health
Office Location:
Lowry Hall
Dr. Stephens (Tonkin) joined the Kent State University faculty in 2012 as a non-tenure track instructor, after thirteen years as a researcher and faculty member at the University of Akron. Her area of expertise is in substance abuse prevention and treatment. Her research agenda has focused on quantitative methodological approaches and the application of social theories to examine the health and social problems associated with substance abuse and risky behaviors. She has been involved in several large, multi-site evaluations of drug abuse prevention and treatment programs and has been awarded more than $250,000 in extramural funding in these areas. Dr. Stephens is an author more than 18 peer reviewed articles.
PhD, Sociology, University of Akron, 1999
MA, Sociology, University of Akron, 1997
BA, Sociology, University of Akron, 1995
BS, Education, University of Akron, 1991
MA, Sociology, University of Akron, 1997
BA, Sociology, University of Akron, 1995
BS, Education, University of Akron, 1991
Quantitative Methods
Social Theories
Substance Abuse
Social Theories
Substance Abuse
- Teasdale, B., Stephens, P.C, Sloboda, Z., Stephens, R.C., Grey, S., (2013). The Effect of Hurricane Katrina on Adolescent Feelings of Social Isolation. Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 94, (2), 490-505. DOI: 10.1111/ssqu.12004.
- Alemagno, S., Stephens, P., Shaffer-King, P. (2012). Characteristics of incarcerated youth reporting homelessness. Under Review, Journal of Juvenile Justice, 2(1): 1-11.
- Ortega, Ramona, Gregory K. Plagens, Peggy Stephens and RaJade M. Berry-James. (2012). Mexican American Public Sector Professionals: Perceptions of Affirmative Action Policies and Workplace Discrimination. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 32 (1)
- Brown, C.H., Sloboda, Z., Fabrizio, F., Teasdale, B., Burkhart, G., Vigna-Taglianti, F., Howe, G., Masyn, K., Wang, W., Muthén, B. Stephens, P., Grey, S. (2011). Methods for Synthesizing Findings on Moderation Effects Across Multiple Randomized Trials.
- Stephens, P., Sloboda, Z., Kenne, D. (2017). Evaluating Substance Use Interventions. In VanGeest JB, Johnson TP, Alemagno S. (Eds.). Research Methods in the Study of Substance Abuse. New York, NY: Springer USA.
- Stephens, P., Sloboda, Z., Stephens, R.C., Marquette, J., Hawthorne, R., Williams, J. (2009). Universal School-Based Substance Abuse Prevention Programs: Modeling Targeted Mediators and Outcomes for Adolescent Cigarette, Alcohol and Marijuana Use. Drug a
- Sloboda, Z, Stephens, R.C., Stephens, P., Grey, S., Teasdale, B., Hawthorne, R., Williams, J., and Marquette, J. (2009). The Adolescent Substance Abuse Prevention Study: Randomized Field Trial of a Universal Substance Abuse Prevention Program. Drug and
- Teasdale, B., Sloboda, Z., Stephens, P., Stephens, R.C., Grey, S. (2009). The Effect of Take Charge of Your Life on Targeted Program Mediators. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Vol. 102, 19-29.
- Alemagno, S.A., Stephens, P., Shaffer-King, P., Teasdale, B. (2009). Prescription Drug Abuse of Adolescent Arrestees: Correlates and Implications. Journal of Correctional Health Care. Vol. 15, Issue 1, 35-46.
- Stephens, P., Sloboda, Z., Grey, S., Stephens, R.C., Hammond, A., Hawthorne, R., Teasdale, B., Williams, J. (2008). Is the receptivity of substance abuse prevention programming impacted by students’ perceptions of the instructor? Health Education & Behavi
- Sloboda, Z., Stephens, P., Pyakuryal, A., Teasdale, B., Hawthorne, R., Marquette, J., Williams, J. (2008). Implementation fidelity: The experience of the Adolescent Substance Abuse Prevention Study. Health Education Research Vol. 24, No. 3, 394-406.