College of Arts and Sciences

Veronica Dexheimer

What happens when two neutron stars collide? What extreme densities and temperatures are reached? What new states of matter exist within the core of a neutron star? One Kent State College of Arts and Sciences theoretical astrophysicist, Veronica Dexheimer, associate professor in the Department of Physics, is diving headfirst into these questions as a co-principal investigator collaborating with her peers at multiple institutions on a recently funded cyberinfrastucture research grant project.

Division of Research & Economic Development
At left: image of a 3D printer by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay At right: an image of excavation by JamesDeMers from Pixabay

The Farris Family Innovation Awards support the research of tenure-track faculty members who are not yet tenured at Kent State and who have shown promising drive for their field of study. In May 2021, Faculty Affairs announced the recipients of this year's Farris Family Innovation Awards: Michelle Bebber, assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology, and Elda Hegmann, assistant professor in the Materials Science Graduate Program. 

Materials Science Graduate Program: Graduate Education on Soft Matter Science
At left: image of a 3D printer by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay At right: an image of excavation by JamesDeMers from Pixabay

The image on the left features a computer scientist coding with code in the background and the image on the right is of a scientist researching with a vaccine in the background.

Kent State's Jonathan Maletic, Ph.D., in the Department of Computer Science and Tara Smith, Ph.D., in the College of Public Health are the winners of the 2021 Faculty Outstanding Research and Scholarship Awards (ORSAs). The ORSAs recognize the hard work and dedication of faculty members who have been with Kent State for more than 10 years. Read more about the winners and how they display the highest levels of scholarship.

Left image of stone tools by Peter Holmes from Pixabay and right image of a bowl of fruit from Couleur on Pixabay

Kent State has announced the winners of the 2021 New Faculty Outstanding Research and Scholarship Awards (ORSAs). The ORSAs recognize the hard work of junior faculty members who have been with Kent State for less than 10 years. The 2021 winners are Shana Klein, Ph.D., in the School of Art and Metin Eren, Ph.D., in the Department of Anthropology. 

Division of Research & Economic Development
Photo of headphones and microphone by Jessica Lewis from Pexels

Division of Research & Economic Development
Image of an empty country road by Wolfgang Borchers from Pixabay

He Yin, Ph.D., assistant professor in Kent State University’s Department of Geography, recently received NASA’s New (Early Career) Investigator Award in Earth Science. Yin will lead evaluation and research of the devastating effects that the Syrian civil war has had on croplands throughout the eastern Mediterranean region.