
Yosh Hakutani, Department of English, authored three book chapters in American Haiku: New Readings, ed. Toru Kiuchi (Lanham, MD/New York/London: Lexington Books, 2017): “Chapter 2: Ezra Pound, Imagism, and Haiku,” 33-56; “Chapter 6: Richard Wright’s Haiku, Zen, and the African ‘Primal Outlook upon Life,’” 151-74; and “Chapter 9: Jack Kerouac’s Haiku and The Dharma Bums,” 205-29.

Yosh Hakutani, Department of English, authored “Cy Twombly’s Painting of the Peonies and Haiku Imagery” in Cy Twombly: Image, Text, Paratext, ed. Thierry Greub, (Paderborn, Germany: Wilhelm Fink Verlag / Boston: Brill Publishing Group, 2018), 306-22; and “Yone Noguchi, Ezra Pound, and Imagism: A Summary” in Yone Noguchi Society Newsletter, No. 4 (September 2017), 2-4.

Jennifer L. McCullough, School of Communication Studies, Sajani Raman, Sara Guerrero-Duby, Miraides Brown, Sarah Ostrowski-Delahanty, Diane Langkamp and John C. Duby authored “Screen Exposure During Daily Routines and a Young Child’s Risk for Having Social-Emotional Delay” in Clinical Pediatrics, Russell W. Steele (Ed.), Vol. 56, Issue 13, (2017): 1244-1253.

Kenneth Cushner, professor emeritus, School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies; and Averil McClelland, professor emerita, College of Education, Health and Human Services, authored Human Diversity in Education: An Intercultural Approach, 9th Ed., Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill, (2018).

Jennifer L. McCullough, School of Communication Studies, Andy J. Merolla, Shuangyue Zhang and Shaojing Sun, authored “How Do You Like Your Forgiveness? Communication Style Preferences and Effects” in Communication Studies, Kenneth Lachlan (Ed.), Vol. 68, Issue 5, (2017): 568-587.

Lala Hajibayova and Kiersten Latham, School of Information, authored “Exploring Museum Crowdsourcing Projects Through Bourdieu’s Lens” in Knowledge Organization, 44(7), 2017, 504-514.

Alfred Guiffrida, Management and Information Systems, and Jay Brown authored “Stochastic Modeling of the Last Mile Problem for Delivery Fleet Planning” in Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, 56(2), 2017, 93-108.

Lala Hajibayova, School of Information, and Wayne Buente authoredRepresentation of Indigenous Cultures: Considering the Hawaiian Hula” in Journal of Documentation, 73(6), 2017, 1137-1148.

Yanhai Du, Ph.D., A. Maar and K. Zhao, Ph.D., authored “Development of Advanced Ceramic Fuel Cells using Additive Manufacturing Technology (I): Design and Modeling” in Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Nanostructured and Multifunctional Materials III: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Editors: M. Fukushima and A. Gyekenyesi, V.37 (5), pp.74-80, (ISBN-13: 9781119321705), 2017.

Jennifer Walton-Fisette, Ed.D., College of Education, Health and Human Services, and Deborah A. Wuest authored Foundations of Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport, 19th edition, pp. 512.