IN A FLASH: Gone With the Wind!

Airport hangar missing its orange windsock.


Last week, gusts of high wind stole the windsock from high atop the hangar at the Kent State University Airport.

Strong winds fully extend another windsock at the Kent State University Airport
Fully extended, directional windsocks in other parts of the Kent State University Airport give form to strong winds. 


Thankfully, the wayward windsock was found where it had come to rest on the ground between the hangar and the airport’s maintenance building. Michael Gershe, senior advisor II in Kent State's College of Aeronautics and Engineering reports that it is currently being stored “in someone’s office.”

Airport staff celebrated the recovery of the missing windsock.
Airport staff celebrated the recovery of the missing windsock. 
Airport staff celebrated the recovery of the missing windsock.
Airport staff celebrated the recovery of the missing windsock.


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POSTED: Monday, March 10, 2025 09:54 AM
Updated: Monday, March 10, 2025 11:02 AM
Phil B. Soencksen
Michael Gershe and Kent State University Airport staff