Elda Hegmann
The focus of our research group is the use of liquid crystals (LCs) and Liquid Crystal Elastomers (LCEs) for biological applications.
My research is divided into three main directions. The first direction focuses on tissue regeneration such as to shorten wound-healing times. Here, the interest of my team is to provide cell-friendly supports and scaffolds in form of liquid crystal-functionalized elastomers designed for the particular needs of different types of cells (i.e. stem cells, neurons, and muscle tissue), and tuned according to the cell response observed. Our materials are made to work as bioinks to also allow for 3D printing. Our group has successfully, printed and characterized ex- and in-situ our LCEs in the Brookhaven National Laboratory and was part of the first implementation of the NSLS-II 3D printer on the SMI beamline.
The second direction aims at the development of microneedles/micropillars as biodegradable and effective transdermal drug delivery systems, as well as vesicles/liposomes (based on lyotropic liquid crystal systems) as a means for early detection of diseases and for drug delivery systems. These vesicles behave as sensors (when proteins or antibodies are attached), allowing the targeting of specific diseases or disease states, while simultaneously providing controlled drug delivery/release of desirable therapeutics for in-situ early-treatment.
The third direction aims at the formulation and preparation of polymer membranes that are used in the development of devices for toxic gases and vapor sensors. Our sensors provide a non-colorimetric unmistakable visual output (symbols, text), are highly customizable (size, design), multi-analyte capable, and where the Sensor is the Display.
Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & AMLCI, 08/2022 TT @ KSU
Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & AMLCI, 08/2017 TT @ KSU
Assistant Professor, Liquid Crystal Institute (LCI, now AMLCI) since 03/2016 TT @ KSU
Assistant Professor, 2011 - 2016 NTT @ KSU
Associate Research Officer, 2008 - 2011 @ Institute for Biodiagnostics/National Research Council Canada (IBD-NRC)
Postdoctoral Fellow at a Federal Laboratory (NSERC- PDF), 2005 - 2008 (IBD-NRC)
Sessional Instructor, 2008 - 2011 @ International College of Manitoba (ICM)
Sessional Instructor, 2007 - 2008 @ Chemistry Department; University of Manitoba (U of M)
Postdoctoral Scholar, 2003 - 2005 @ U of M (M. Freund)
Sessional Lab Instructor, 2003 - 2005 @ U of M
Research Associate, 2002 - 2003 @ Queen’s University (B. Amsden)
PhD 2003 @ UniversitéLaval (C. G. Bazuin)
MSc1996 @ Universidad Autónomade Coahuila (D. Navarro-Rodríguez)
KSU Membership:
Member of Advanced Materials and Liquid Crystal Institute (AMLCI)/Materials Science Graduate Program (MSGP)
Member of Biomedical Sciences (BMS) program
Member of Brain Health Research Institute (BHRI)
Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities Publications (some under maiden name):
Ustunel, S. Sternbach, M.E. Prévôt, E.J. Freeman, J.A. McDonough, R.J. Clements, E. Hegmann, “3D Co-culturing of human neuroblastoma and human oligodendrocytes, emulating native tissue using 3D porous biodegradable liquid crystal elastomers”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2023, 140 (20), e53883.
M.E. Prévôt, S. Ustunel, G. Freychet, C.R. Webb, M. Zhernenkov, R. Pindak, R.J. Clements, E.Hegmann, “Physical Models from Physical Templates Using Biocompatible Liquid Crystal Elastomers as Morphologically Programmable Inks For 3D Printing”, Macromol. Biosci. 2023, 23, 2200343.
G.A.R. Rohaley, and E. Hegmann, “The importance of structure property relationship for the designing of biomaterials using liquid crystal elastomers”, Mater. Adv., 2022, 3, 5725-5734.
D.-H. Jang, B.-M. Park, E. Hegmann, K.-Y. Han & S. Ustunel, (2021) “A study on self-healing properties of fluorine-based functional polymer with excellent scratch recovery”, Mol. Crys. Liq. Crys., 2022, 734:1, 72-78. DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2021.1972215
M.E. Prévôt, S. Ustunel, B.M. Yavitt, G. Freychet, C.R. Webb, M. Zhernenkov, E. Hegmann*, and R. Pindak*, “Synchrotron Microbeam Diffraction Studies on the Alignment Within 3D Printed Smectic-A Liquid Crystal Elastomer Filaments During Extrusion”, Crystals 2021, 11(5), 523.
J. Liu, S. Shadpour, M.E. Prévôt, M. Chirgwin, A. Nemati, E. Hegmann, R.P. Lemieux, and T. Hegmann*, “Molecular Conformation of Bent-Core Molecules Affected by Chiral Side Chains Dictates Polymorphism and Chirality in Organic Nano-and Microfilaments”, ACS Nano 2021, 15, 4, 7249-7270.
S. Ustunel, M.E. Prévôt, G.A.R. Rohaley, C.R. Webb, B. Yavitt, G. Freychet, M. Zhernenkov, R. Pindak, E. Schaible, C. Zhu, T. Hegmann, R.J. Clements,* and E. Hegmann*, “Mechanically tunable Elastomer and Cellulose Nanocrystal composites as Scaffolds for In vitro Cell Studies”, Mater. Adv. 2021, 2, 464- 476.
S. Ustunel, M.E. Prévôt, R.J. Clements,* and E. Hegmann*, “Cradle-to-Cradle: Designing Biomaterials to Fit as Truly Biomimetic Cell Scaffolds – A Review”, Liquid Crystals Today, 2020, 29:3, 40-52.
J. Liu, S. Shadpour, A. Nemati, M.E. Prévôt, E. Hegmann, C. Zhu, and T. Hegmann*, “Binary mixtures of bent-core molecules forming distinct types of B4 phase nano- and microfilament morphologies”, Liq. Crystals, 2020, 1-11.
M.E. Prévôt, A. Nemati, T.R. Cull, E. Hegmann*, and T. Hegmann*, “A zero-power, ppt-to ppm-level toxic gas and vapor sensor with image, text, and analytical capabilities”, Adv. Mater. Technol. 2020, 5, 2000058. DOI: 10.1002/admt.202000058
T. Mori, R. Cukelj, M. Prévôt, S. Ustunel, A. Story, Y. Gao, K. Diabre, J.A. McDonough, E.J. Freeman, E. Hegmann*, and R.J. Clements*, “3D Porous Liquid Crystal Elastomer Foams Supporting Long-term Neuronal Cultures”, Macromol. Rapid Commun. Communication, 2020, 1900585.
S. Shadpour, A. Nemati, M. Salamończyk, M.E. Prévôt, J. Liu, N.J. Boyt, M.R. Wilson, C. Zhu, E. Hegmann, A.I. Jákli, T. Hegmann, “Missing Link between Helical Nano- and Microfilaments in B4 Phase Bent-Core Liquid Crystals, and Deciphering which Chiral Center Controls the Filament Handedness” Small 2020,16, 1905591.
S. Shadpour, A. Nemati, N.J. Boyd, L. Li, M.E. Prévôt, S.L. Wakerlin, J.P. Vanegas, M. Salamończyk, E. Hegmann, C. Zhu, M.R. Wilson, A.Jákli, and T. Hegmann*, “Heliconical-layered nanocylinders (HLNCs) – hierarchical self-assembly in a unique B4 phase liquid crystal morphology”, Materials Horizons 2019, 6, 959-968.
M.E. Prévôt, J.P. Vanegas García, J. Pérez-Prieto, Y. Molard, E. Hegmann, and T. Hegmann*, “Emissive Nanomaterials and Liquid Crystals”, 2018, 21ST CENTURY NANOSCIENCE- A Handbook, Taylor & Francis Books, Inc. Edited by Klaus D. Sattler, Ph.D. Published April 29, 2020 by CRC Press. 2020, Chapter 6, 6-1 to 6-27. ISBN 9780815356264.
E. Hegmann*, The 2017 International Liquid Crystal Elastomers Conference (2017 ILCEC), Liquid Crystals Today, 2018, 27:2, 25-27, DOI: 10.1080/1358314X.2018.1479159.
M.E. Prévôt, S. Ustunel, and E. Hegmann*, “Liquid Crystal Elastomers—A Path to Biocompatible and Biodegradable 3D-LCE Scaffolds for Tissue Regeneration”, Review in Special Issue "Liquid Crystal-Assisted Advanced Functional Materials”, Materials 2018, 11, 377.
M.E. Prévôt, L.E. Bergquist, A.Sharma, T. Mori, Y. Gao, T. Bera, C. Zhu, M.T. Leslie, R. Cukelj, L.T.J. Korley, E.J. Freeman, J.A. McDonough, R.J. Clements, and E. Hegmann*, “New developments in 3D liquid crystal elastomers scaffolds for tissue engineering: from physical template to responsive substrate ”, Proc. of SPIE Vol:10361, 103610T1-11 (2017).
M.E. Prévôt, and E. Hegmann*, “From Biomaterial, Biomimetic, and Polymer to Biodegradable and Biocompatible Liquid Crystal Elastomer Cell Scaffolds”, Chapter 1 in Advances in Bioinspired and Biomedical Materials, Vol. 2, ACS1253: 3-45 (2017). Invited
M.E. Prévôt, S. Ustunel, L.E. Bergquist, R. Cukelj, Y. Gao, T., Mori, L. Pauline, R.J. Clements, and E. Hegmann, Synthesis of Biocompatible Liquid Crystal Elastomer Foams as Cell Scaffolds for 3D Spatial Cell Cultures. J. Vis. Exp. (122), e55452, doi:10.3791/55452 (2017).
A. Sharma, T. Mori, C. J. Mahnen, H. R. Everson, M. T. Leslie, A. d. Nielsen, L. Lussier, C. Zhu, C. Malcuit, T. Hegmann, J. A. McDonough, E. J. Freeman, L. T. J. Korley, R. J. Clements, and E. Hegmann, “Effects of Structural Variations on the Cellular Response and Mechanical Properties of Biocompatible, Biodegradable, and Porous Smectic Liquid Crystal Elastomers”, Macromol. Biosci., 2017, 17, 1600278.
T. Bera, C. Malcuit, R.J. Clements, and E. Hegmann, “The role of the surfactant during microemulsion photopolymerization for the creation of 3D liquid crystal elastomer microsphere cell scaffolds”, Frontiers in Materials, section Biomaterials, 2016, 3, 31.
Y. Gao, S. Manning, Y. Zhao, A. d. Nielsen, T. Mori, A. Neshat, A. Sharma, C. J. Mahnen, H. Everson, S. Crotty, R. J. Clements, C. Malcuit, and E. Hegmann, “Biocompatible3D liquid crystal elastomer cell scaffolds and foams with primary and secondary porous architecture”, ACS Macro Lett. 2016, 5, 4-9.
T. Bera, E. J. Freeman, J. A. McDonough, R. J. Clements, A. Aladlaan, C. Malcuit, T. Hegmann, and E. Hegmann, “Liquid crystal elastomer microspheres as 3D cell scaffolds supporting the attachment and proliferation of myoblasts”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 14528-14535.
B. Tian, W. Y. Wong, E. Hegmann, K. Gaspar, P. Kumar, and H. Chao, “Production and Characterization of a CamelidmSingle Domain Antibody–Urease Enzyme Conjugate for the Treatment of Cancer”, Bioconjugate Chem. 2015, 26, 1144-1155.
A. Sharma, A. Neshat, C. J. Mahnen, A. d. Nielsen, J. Snyder, T. L. Stankovich, B. G. Daum, E. M. LaSpina, G. Beltrano, Y. Gao, S. Li, B.-W. Park, R. J. Clements, E. J. Freeman, C. Malcuit, J. A. McDonough, L. T. J. Korley, T. Hegmann, and E. Hegmann. “Biocompatible, biodegradable and porous liquid crystal elastomer scaffolds for spatial cell cultures”. Macromol. Biosci. 2015, 15, 200-214. Featured on Wiley's Advanced Science News, featured as Back Cover
K.-S. Jang, J. C. Johnson, E. Hegmann, T. Hegmann, L. T. J. Korley, “Biphenyl-based liquid crystals for elevated temperature processing of polymers”, Liq. Cryst. 2014, 41, 1473-1482.
H. Chao, W. Wong, C. De Luca, B. Tian, E. Hegmann, K. Gaspar, J. Docherty, “Treating lung tumour through alkalization”, J. Thoracic Oncol. 2011, 6 (6), S935-S935.
(under maiden name)
E. Bravo-Grimaldo, S. Hachey, C. G. Cameron, and M. S. Freund, “Metastable reaction mixtures for the in-situ polymerization of conducting polymers”, Macromolecules 2007, 40, 7166-7170.
M. Benouazzane, E. Bravo-Grimaldo, R. Bissessur, and C. G. Bazuin, “Zinc coordination of carboxylic acid surfactomesogens to poly(4-vinylpyridine)”, Macromolecules 2006, 39, 5364-5370.
G. B. Kharas, J. R. Heiskell, J. Herrman, P. T. Kasudia, P. J. Schreiber, L. B. Passe, E. Bravo-Grimaldo, C. G. Bazuin, P. T. Romanowsky, and R. M. Schueller, “Solid-state polyelectrolyte complexes of branched poly(ethylenimine) and sodium laurylsulfate”, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A.: Pure and Applied Chemistry 2006, 43, 213-220.
H. M. Younes, E. Bravo-Grimaldo, and B. G. Amsden, “Synthesis, characterization and in vitro degradation of a biodegradable elastomer”, Biomaterials 2004, 25, 5261-5269.
B. Amsden, A. Hatefi, D. Knight, and E. Bravo-Grimaldo, “Development of biodegradable injectable thermoplastic oligomers”, Biomacromolecules 2004, 5, 637-642.
C. Geraldine Bazuin, J. Boivin, A. Tork, H. Tremblay, and E. Bravo-Grimaldo, “Variable composition mixtures of a tertiary amine-functionalized mesogenand poly(acrylic acid)”, Macromolecules 2002, 35, 6893-6899.
J. Herrman, L. B. Passe, G. B. Kharas, E. Bravo-Grimaldo, C. G. Bazuin, P. T. Romanowsky, and R. M. Schueller, “Solid-state polyelectrolyte complexes of branched poly(ethylenimine) and sodium laurylsulfate”, Amer. Chem. Soc. Polym. Prepr. 2001, 42 (2), 302-303.
E. Bravo-Grimaldo, D. Navarro-Rodríguez, and D. Guillon, “Liquid crystal properties of poly(2- vinylpyridine) fully quaternized with a mesogenic group”, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 1997, 198, 3863-3869.
E. Bravo-Grimaldo, D. Navarro-Rodríguez, and D. Guillon, “Liquid crystal properties of N- alkyl(ethylpyridinium) bromides ⎤-substituted with a mesogenic group”, Liq. Cryst. 1996, 20, 393-398.
D. Navarro-Rodríguez, E. Bravo-Grimaldo, D. Guillon, and A. Skoulios, “Architecture moléculaire des P4VPmodifiés avec des groupements mésogènes. Systèmes polymères: de la polymérisationaux propriétés”, Polytechnia, Paris 1995, 151-157.
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt. 2016.“Displaying Futures Award”.
NSERC-Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow in a Canadian Government Laboratory (NSERC), 2005-2008.
Student Award: Cover Design of Annual Report – Research Centre of Science and Engineering of Macromolecules (CERSIM), 1998.
Doctoral Scholarship: Program “Becas de Excelencia” – National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT) Mexico, 1997-2001
Doctoral Scholarship: Program “Bourse d'Excellence du Gouvernement Québécois” – Ministère de l'Éducation de Québec, 1997-2001
Master Science Scholarship: Program “Becas de Excelencia” – CONACyT, México, 1993-1996
M. Prévôt, A. Nemati, J. Vanegas, E. Hegmann, and T. Hegmann, US PCT 62/586,304, Invention Disclosure Form 11/06/2017; "Detection of gases and vapors by patterned nanoparticle liquid crystal alignment".
M. Prévôt, T. Hegmann, and E. Hegmann, Filing of Conversion Application claiming priority to US 62/572,902, filed 10/16/2017; Biodegradable, biocompatible 3D liquid crystal elastomeric foam scaffolds having tailor-made animal (human) pore cells sizes via a salt leaching method are capable of growing tissue therein for therapeutic reconstruction of damaged and/or diseased tissue or organs.
Y. Gao, T. Hegmann, and E. Hegmann, 12/19/2014; PCT/US2014/071618 “Biocompatible: smart responsive scaffold having interconnected pores”
Neshat, A. Sharma, T. Hegmann, and E. Hegmann, 04/15/2013, US PCT 61/853993 “Biodegradable side-chain LC elastomers: smart responsive scaffolds”
(under maiden name)
Michael S. Freund, Elda Bravo-Grimaldo, and Sarah Hachey. US PCT/CA2006/000879. “Metastable reaction mixtures for the in-situ polymerization of conducting polymers”
Thanks to the following agencies, organizations, funding agencies and industrial partners:
NSF PFI-RP, 2021-2024
NSF CHE-2050873 (REU), Senior personnel, 2021-2024
NSF DMR-20177845 (MRI), Senior personnel, 2020-2023
Farris Family Foundation, 2021-2024
2021 AMLCI—SPSPE (UAkron) Seed Funding Program 1, 2021-2022
2021 AMLCI—SPSPE (UAkron) Seed Funding Program 2, 2021-2022
Tech. Validation Start-Up Fund KCTVS, 2021-2022
Beam time at Brookhaven National Laboratory – US Department of Energy (DoE), 2019-2021
NSF-GOALIE, 2018-2021
Beam time at Brookhaven National Laboratory – US Department of Energy (DoE), 2018-2020
Beam time at Advanced Light Source (ALS) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - US Department of Energy (DoE), 2018
Ohio TeCK Fund: LiCrystalor LLC (now Torel LLC) - Toxic Gas and Vapor Sensors 2017-2018.
Beam time at Advanced Light Source (ALS) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory- US Department of Energy (DoE), 2017.
Displaying Futures Award: Liquid Crystal Gas and Vapor Sensors, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt. 2016.
NSF: CHE-1263087 (REU); 2017-2020.
Beam time at Advanced Light Source (ALS) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - US Department of Energy (DoE), 2016.
Scratch-resistant and scratch-healing polymer composites, Dankook University and Ceko Co. Ltd. Industry-sponsored collaboration, Korea; 2015.
Beam time at Advanced Light Source (ALS) - US Department of Energy (DoE), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2015.
NSF: CHE-1263087 (REU); 2013-2016.
KSU: PDF program (2 position, 2 years each), A&S Research Initiative - Collaborative Grant (with C. Malcuit, J.M. McDonough, R.J. Clements, E. Freeman and T. Hegmann); 2013-2015.
Evaluation of the efficacy of L-DOS47 as a therapy for lung cancer cells using a multimodal molecular imaging strategy, Helix BioPharma, Canada, 2010-2011.
Evaluation of antibody-delivered therapies for cancer using fluorescence imaging (Phase III), Helix BioPharma, Canada, 2008-2010.
Evaluation of antibody-delivered therapies for cancer using fluorescence imaging (Phase II), Helix BioPharma, Canada, 2007-2008.
Evaluation of antibody-delivered therapies for cancer using fluorescence imaging (Phase I), Helix BioPharma, Canada, 2006-2007.
MSc, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, 1996