Combined Choir Concert

Hear the Coro Cantare choir explore musical styles with emphasis on tenor/bass choir. The Cantique choir performs in the treble repertoire. The Chorale is the flagship choral ensemble. The Nova Jazz fuses choral tradition with jazz innovation.

Brains on Tap

"Brains on Tap" was inspired by the Cafe Scientifique movement, which started in Europe in the late 1990’s and has spread rapidly. Cafes Scientifiques are informal talks in bars, cafes and other public venues that give people a chance to learn about and discuss current topics in science. Lisa Audet, Assistant Professor in Speech Pathology and Audiology at Kent State; J.R.

Required Student Organization Training

On September 6, 2024, the Center for Student Involvement (CSI) will be holding a training for registered student organizations. This training is required for all organizations to have up to two representatives to attend. Student organization attendance will be tracked. Please note student organization advisors are not permitted to attend (separate trainings will be provided for them throughout the academic year).

 Meet Maham Khan, a Graduate College Fellow and doctoral student in the English program. Read on to learn more about Maham's favorite places in Kent, what she enjoys doing in her free time and what advice she has for incoming graduate students.Where is your hometown?I am from Islamabad, Pakistan.Why did you choose Kent State University?I chose KSU mainly because of my academic interests. I wanted to make sure that the English department had faculty whose work aligned with the issues that I was interested in exploring.What do you like most about Kent? Do you have a favorite ...

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