Midterms Destress and Community Partnerships at Kent State Twinsburg Academic Center

It’s a “ruff” time of year. This is a good time to destress, and the Academic Learning Commons is rocking with activities. Visit the ALC for destressors such as rock painting, free hot chocolate, giant games, our ever-popular therapy dogs as well as community partners. Wait, what?! Did someone say fur and free chocolate? I'm all ears!

Midterms Destress and Community Partnerships at Kent State Geauga in Burton

It’s a “ruff” time of year. This is a good time to destress, and the Academic Learning Commons is rocking with activities. Visit the ALC for destressors such as rock painting, free hot chocolate, giant games, our ever-popular therapy dogs as well as community partners. Wait, what?! Did someone say fur and free chocolate? I'm all ears!

Blueprint for Success: Financial Foundations

This webinar, led by Steven Dennis, Ph.D, the Chair of the Department of Finance, is intended to help young alumni build a strong financial future, providing the essential tools and insights needed to manage money effectively. Learn budgeting principles, how to anticipate tax obligations, maintaining good credit behavior, student loan repayment options and more. Whether you are just starting your career or looking to refine your financial strategy, now’s the time to set yourself up for long-term success.

Register for this free event by Sunday, Oct. 27

Autumn Adventures

Join us for an unforgettable afternoon of adventure and creativity, perfect for the whole family! We'll kick off the day at the park’s Hines Hill Campus with some delicious fall treats before tackling an activity of your choosing.

Volunteer in the Park: Free 
Join fellow Flashes to make a meaningful impact by contributing your time removing invasive species to preserve the natural flora to the area.

Medical Mutual Logo

With a three-year grant from Medical Mutual, Kent State University's College of Public Health is conducting a three-part project focusing on senior health and wellness. First, the college will conduct a senior-focused community needs assessment with the help of the area’s Senior Center Research Consortium. The consortium comprises over 20 senior centers, senior living and aging agencies spanning several counties. The needs assessment, which will be led by Steve Paciorek, Ph.D, and graduate students from the college, will be distributed to more than 50 centers. “The purpose of the senior-focuse...

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