Dear Regional Campus Advisory Board members,Thank you for joining our April 25 Town Hall with President Todd Diacon and Senior Vice President and Provost Melody Tankersley. As members of advisory boards, one of the key aspects we value is your input, advice and guidance regarding community insights. Your familiarity with the communities we serve makes you an invaluable resource and advocate.Below is a summary of our recent meeting. We trust you will find it a useful tool for understanding Kent State University’s situation, which is not unique, but indicative of the current landscape of higher ...

Dear Regional Campus Faculty and Staff,We want to keep you informed about some key changes to the bookstore services at Kent State University, which are set to begin in summer 2024. As you know, our contracted partnership with Barnes & Noble continues to evolve in response to changing demands and preferences, notably the increased trend of students ordering their books online. In recent semesters, the regional campus bookstores have seen a slowdown in store traffic, with many students ordering their books online, resulting in operational inefficiencies for the bookstore group.  An ann...

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